do not click Ryan says. it will spoil the fun.
site info:
unfortunately, at the moment Im having problems so it will probably be a while before anything new
is added or far and in between. come back peridoically to check if I've got things back to normal.
Welcome to the glorious world of DropkICKed.
I've loaded it down with lots of blasphemous hogwash that took many hours of meticulous typing and time consuming searching to create. Don't let the opening fool you, it actually has a lot to say. I've mixed it up by making some of it comedic and some of it serious and thought provoking. I hope you read everything and enjoy it. Shall we move on to pointless shit about the site? There's all kinds of goodies up in this piece. The balance of comedy and seriousness will make it less boring and hopefully make you want to see it all as opposed to just browsing. I've taken the time to provide a plethora of sections that will let you know more about who I am and how I think. Everything in this site is pretty much a direct reflection of my ideals, morals, thoughts, opinons and various other words to describe the way a person is. It includes such things as: a page for my favortie albums from my cd collection; a mini-bio that gives you a quick run down; a page that includes lyrics I've written; a page that includes papers I wrote to amuse you and hopefully make you piss yourself laughing; a page of opinionated/topical writings, rants or stuff that makes me angry that are straight from my twisted thought factory (I'm hoping eventually more people will send me stuff to make it more diverse) and a page with pictures of me just so you know who provides such madness. Since my mini-bio will go indepth on me I won't bore you with more useless information you don't need but what I will do is include a short summary of what brings me to the creation of this site. I recently abandoned the Air Force (against my will) so that I could pursue a career as an alcoholic, unemployed loser... so far it's not working. I've lost my hair, no one likes me and I'm fat. There's many reasons why I made it the way I did but I can't think of the words to express it so I'll just leave it at that. There's also a page with pictures of me so you can put a face to the words.
Before you venture off and explore I'd just like to make it clear, for those that haven't already noticed the disclaimer or this opening paragraph, my site is very crass and shares lots of opinions about lots of different things. Some people WILL find it offensive but hopefully those aren't the people that are here. If you don't like such content my suggestion to you is, leave now and spare me anguish and head pains... on that note we cue the music.
Use the links to guide your punk ass around, they're around somewhere. Tread lightly for there are dark spaces of vast nothingness around where youd least suspect *holds his head in shame* I lie, it's not that cool. Be sure to sign my guest book and check out my links for other cool time consuming, mind dulling activities. Later, have fun you yankee bastards.
*walks away twirling his penis like a pocket watch on a chain*
I have msn messanger so feel free to add me:
To waste my time with emails click here
For a false sense of humanitarianism sign my guest book for the
children of Somalia or whichever third world country you prefer.
Mind Spit
Lyrikal Attak
Living Kanvas
Wiked Soundz
Mindless Babble
the New Cult King
You may have noticed by now I removed Gratuitous
Imagery. If youd like to protest this action email me.
That's all for now kiddies, come back real soon and make sure you tell your friends about this
useless waste of time. It's still a little new so rest asured it can only get better. Later, take it easy.
*wanders aimlessly in the wrong direction*