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Melissa: how long have you loved everclear?

Amber: a little over 3 years

Melissa: do you remeber the moment you realized that you loved everclear? and if so, explain.

Amber: Well I first got into them the first time I heard Father Of Mine on the radio and I went to get the CD but I accidentally bought Sparkle and Fade and I listened to that and absolutely loved it so I kinda figured out this was a great band.

Melissa: awesome, it was just meant to be :-) what is your definition of obsession?

Amber: my definition of obsession is not being able to go 1 full day without listening to at least one of their songs and going to the official site about 3 times a day just to see if there's anything new on it.

Melissa: i am guessing you consider yourself obsessed with everclear? lol- and how has that changed your life?

Amber: okay. well I am a lot more into music now than I ever was before. It's also made me listen to actual lyrics when I never really did before.

Melissa: so music means lot more to you now since you've loved everclear?

Amber: definitely. It made me see how much music can tell stories

Melissa: and do you think everclear's stories are realistic?

Amber: Most of them ya. If they aren't about themselves then I'm sure someone out there is going through whatever they are singing about

Melissa: true. so what do you think of the way everclear is very open about their music, and how they experiment with different types?

Amber: I think it's great. It must be hard for Art to talk about his life stories like that but he seems to do it with no problem at all. And I love that they expirement with different types. It shows how talented they really are

Wonderfulmiss: yes it does. i know a lot of fans admire them for their different styles in music. so, personally how does listening to everclear make you feel?

Amber: Well sometimes it makes me sad listening to the things that Art had to grow up with but most of the time it makes me respect them more than any other musician out there because he has the courage to sing about those things

Melissa: i see. and if you had one chance to say something to everclear as a band, what would you say?

Amber: this is a hard one. umm... probably essentially what I just told you. I'd tell them how much I respect them for being able to sing about the things they do and that they are just the greatest band to ever walk the earth ; )

Melissa: well i hope that one day you will get to tell them that.

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