I am in my own world when Art sings. You hear killer drums and loud gutair but sweet soft vocals. Something you never hear. A song with a meaning, a deeper meaning.
I love everclear because they aren't like any other rock band. They are a little pop a little alternative and a lot of good music. I loved Father of Mine and I Will Buy You A New Life, when they came out in 1997. I also remember seeing Everything to Everyone on t.v. I never got the album though. I don't know why.
Then in 2000 my mom says to me, "You know that band? ever... ever... " "everlast, everclear?" I say. "Yeah everclear, well they have a new song, its good." I hadn't heard it but I couldnt wait to.
So we were walking out of the house one day and it came on. I was mesmorized in front of the t.v watching. It was "Wonderful". A tear, another tear. I cried and watched the song as it hit home hard. Escpecially the line "When the bell rings I just dont wanna go home". It was sooo me.
That August (my b-day) I got the Vol. 1 cd. That christmas I got all the cds. I learned the words to every song, every album within the week. I remember x-mas morning sorting my presents... everclear... not everclear... the not everclear stuff was kinda pushed to the side. My EC t-shirts are worn to death, and cds played daily.
I plan to never stop loving the music Art Alexakis, Greg Eklund and Craig Montoya make.
Forever Everclear, JuLiA
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