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I'm not big on titles...

You know, just when I think I've heard every sound in an everclear song, I prove myself wrong. I was listening the other day to Learning How To Smile and in the backround of the song I heard Art and Craig singing very faintly saying something along the lines of "whooa yeah." And I swear I've heard it before, but I've never really centered on it and really actually listened to it. It was kind of strange because I always seem to hear new and different things when I listen to an everclear song. It's almost like they're trying to speak to me, trying to point something out to me. And I know this all probably sounds really strange, but I am just curious has this ever happened to anyone else? Has anyone heard something in an everclear song that you've never really noticed before?

Also, I just want to talk about this real quick cuz it's something that has always kind of touched me that I never want to take for granted. Out of no where one day this week my sister put on my radio and accidentally put on World Of Noise. She didn't know how to work my stereo so she fiddled with it and not meaning to landed on Invisible. I was just kind of sitting there doing my homework, but I couldn't help but hear the words to that song. I have heard the lyrics many many times before, but it was at that moment that it seemed like it was the first time. It was like everclear was telling me- "Listen to this, it'll help you tremendously." Out of nowhere, by accident, this song got played. And it's strange that things like that just happen for a reason.

And this, is how I know everclear is not just a phase for me. This, is how I know they will always be a part of my life. And no matter what anyone ever says, nothing will change that. Everclear will always be there for me, for us. Dont' let anyone ever tell you you are wrong, don't let anyone tell you that they suck, because an opinion is individually made, and opinions are never wrong. Never loose sight of everclear.