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Newsletter 17

Everclear 2 Everyone

Newsletter #17

December 7th, 2001

Everclear2Everyone Members,

I got some stuff done on my site and I'm working on the jeopardy game, so hopefully I'll get half of it done this weekend! That'd be cool. That's the main thing happening on my site right now, and I really want to make the game page fun- so if you have ideas please please let me know! And articles/interviews too! If you guys know of any good ones that you don't think I have used yet, tell me. There aren't very many everclear articles out there, and I'm going to do some serious searching this weekend, but any links, search engines, or sites- from you guys, would be helpful. ~thanks a bunch

Everclear2Everyone Updates:

11/30 Just to give everyone the 411 on the game page, I am working on an Everclear Jeopardy game that you will be able to play and try to guess the answer, and find out immediately if you were right or not! It's a lot of info and will take a while to get up and going, but I will be working on it a lot and I'll keep you posted until it's finished!! :)

11/30 I put the November 30th Newsletter in the archive.

11/24 I did something I have been wanting to do for a really long time! The game page- I've got 3 different things on there now, and I'm looking for more ideas... so let me know if you come up with anything... go take a look.


~12/7 Chat tomorrow (saturday Dec. 8th) night.

Please spread the word about the chat guys! We need to serious get people in there and actually talking, and have some fun with it. I didn't get the chat so it could just sit there, so we need to use it! :) Hope to see you there.

~12/7 Here's something kind of special.. this is rare because it doesn't happen often. A Portland based radio station had everclear do an acoustic version of Everything to Everyone... which, as most of you probably knew- the song in which I named my site! Anyways, click the link below and the media player should come up and it will take a minute or so to load, but it'll play. It's pretty cool so if you got a couple minutes, listen to it: Acoustic Version


If you have an idea for my site, please tell me. And if there is something I do not already have on my site and you would like to see it up there, let me know.



This is a cool interview with Art that talks about So Much For The Afterglow, Sparkle and Fade, his record label, and Heartspark Dollarsign. I think it's old but it's still interesting. And it's not very long so check it out: Interview


*Info was obtained off of the Halloween Americana site:

Art will guest star sometime in the second season of the Showtime series, The Chris Isaak Show, which kicks off Jan. 6.

*Write this in your calendar or something so you don't forget! lol :)


Including anything you want such as comments about this site, links to other everclear related things, poems or songs about the guys, letters to the guys, pictures, drawings, etc... that you'd like to share with the rest of the group. With one exception, please make sure it's somehow everclear related:)


I wrote something this week because I now know that I can no longer count on you guys to help me with this section! ;) ahh well. Anyways, I wrote about bass lines in different songs, so take a look: bass lines rock

~use your head~

The quote of the week is for you to think about, look to the quote, refer back to the song it came from, and find some inspiration! I just want to be able to brighten your day with a little everclear! ------->


"Doesn't want to be... like anybody else."

-Pale Green Stars


An Everclear fan for life,
