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Newsletter 23

For the week of January 25th:

Sorry guys-

this first week back at school was long and busy- I am also very sick :X lol so I couldn't go online much and I didn't really have time to do a newsletter. next week should be easier and I'm hoping I'll be able to do one, so thanks for your cooperation~

For the week of February 1st:

Everclear 2 Everyone

Newsletter #23

February 1st, 2002

Everclear2Everyone Members,

Hey everyone! Sorry things have been so rough lately with the newsletter and all. I am very very sorry for what I am about to say. I will not be able to do the weekly newsletter anymore. I have recently been accepted into an Arts high school, and the hours are late, with plenty of work. I do not want to say that I can do the newsletter and have to keep sending emails that say "sorry I was busy," "next time," ...etc. So I would rather just say that the newsletter is not really going to be official anymore, and will certainly not be every week. I can maybe do a once a month newsletter. But I am not even sure about that.

So I will keep all your email addys and the newsletter will not die. Just be delayed a little, and spread out over a longer period of time. I am very sorry, I hope I didn't disappoint anyone too much. And I promise that even if I can't do the newsletter often, I will notify all you guys about tour dates, when I get word of them. So this will be the last official weekly newsletter, and you should receive your next newsletter in about a month.

Hopefully when summer comes around, I will make it a weekly thing again. But for now, this is how it has to be.

Thank you for your cooperation~ And thanks for all the support.

Everclear2Everyone Updates:

I haven't done anything new to my site recently, but you can always check on my updates page to see if I have.


12/14 You guys can still use the chat room at any time. But I probably won't be in it at all. I'm usually not in it anyways, but it's open to you guys and any other everclear fans.


If you have an idea for my site, please tell me. And if there is something I do not already have on my site and you would like to see it up there, let me know.

This section can still be done, because I am always accepting new ideas for my site or for the newsletter. So don't hesitate to email me with ideas, because I will try to check my email often, and get back to you as soon as I can.


*no tour dates as of now, but I will email you any info if I hear about touring and such. I'll be sure to include the dates and locations for shows.


Here is an awesome interview that I think you guys should definitely read! It will be the last interview for a while, so take advantage and read up on your fave band~ :-) Interview


1/19 Taken directly off of the Official Everclear site for your viewing excitement: It's quite possible a new Everclear record will start in February and could be released by late summer. Art is currently finishing up producing Flipp's new album, which will come out on Art's Popularity Records label later this year; Craig is starting a coffee shop; Greg and his wife are anticipating a baby. Our long-anticipated interview with Art is now set to begin when Art completes the Flipp CD. (01/16/02)

-Robbie recently put up one of his new songs on if you want to hear the song, go to and search Robbie Gennet, then play the song "Supergirl." It's really good and I recommend giving it a try!


Including anything you want such as comments about this site, links to other everclear related things, poems or songs about the guys, letters to the guys, pictures, drawings, etc... that you'd like to share with the rest of the group. With one exception, please make sure it's somehow everclear related:)

This section is also availible for you guys at any time. Feel free to email me whenever you want.

FAN OBSESSION: Since this is the last time I will write an article for a while, I decided to use something that I really enjoyed writing. It's a paragraph that I wrote for an english assignment just the other day. It's about everclear concerts, and I thought it was pretty cool:

Musical Senses

An Everclear concert, is truly my favorite place to be. Here I can see instruments that shine like gold, and glisten like the sun. The band members are like family, and the fans are glowing like stars. I hear so many emotional voices amongst the singing of the vocalist and the singing of the fans. I hear such powerful music, and overwhelming sounds that bring great joy. I can feel the closeness, mentally and physically, between all the fans. I can feel the security that the music gives, and the comfort that their songs bring. Fellow fans and I feel the anticipation rise up in our throats, as we wait to see who will be picked to go onstage. I can see, I can hear, and I can feel in my favorite place, at an Everclear concert.


"Evergleam.. everywhere.. ever weird.. everyone. I won't see you there, I'm not going away, no way..."



An Everclear fan for life,
