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Newsletter 25

Everclear 2 Everyone

Newsletter #25

April 2nd, 2002

Everclear2Everyone Members,

Well hello everyone, it's time for another newsletter! And spring break~ Is everyone as excited as I am to not have to go to school this week!? lol

Everclear2Everyone Updates:

3/17 I added a review on the Robbie page, it's a review of the recent Rabbithead show I saw at the Roxy~ Please do read it!


4/2 The chat room is always open.

4/2 I'm going to Art's solo show in LA in two days! I'll report back asap~


If you have an idea for my site, please tell me. And if there is something I do not already have on my site and you would like to see it up there, let me know.


Art has been on his solo tour now for a little over a week now... has anyone been to the shows? Please let me know how they went. I'm going to the LA show on April 4th, so I will do a follow-up on this newsletter and tell you guys how it went, and do a little review. Any info from you guys would be great too~


This is the inerview for this month's article... it's the mp3 version of the Rockline interview with Art. I listened to it a few days ago, and it's pretty cool. They take phone calls and Art plays some live songs and stuff. It might take a while to load, so be patient, but it's good, so listen to it. (To hear the interview, go to Halloween Americana in the interviews and articles archive and you'll find it.


-There has been a lot of intereviews with Art recently on radio shows. If any of you were lucky enough to catch Rockline, and he was also Live in the Star Lounge last week. I have used the transcript from the Star Lounge as this month's article, and I will hopefully be getting it on my site, along with Rockline's interview.

-The new everclear cd is coming along good, we are told that it should be released sometime this summer. So be on the lookout!


Including anything you want such as comments about this site, links to other everclear related things, poems or songs about the guys, letters to the guys, pictures, drawings, etc...that you'd like to share with the rest of the group. With one exception, please make sure it's somehow everclear related


I am going to use the review that I wrote for the solo show as the article this week. So you will recieve that probably on Friday...


"I have heard your word, and I am big on your noise."

-Your Genius Hands


An Everclear fan for life,


editor's note:

A big thanks to Halloween Americana for the use of their audio files and transcripts. Your site rocks~

*To read the follow-up of this newsleter please click here