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Art Alexakis at The Velvet Elvis


This was kind of cool- talks about an acoustic concert... it's short but interesting.

By Charles R. Cross

Velvet Elvis, Seattle, WA 3/29/97 This acoustic performance was billed as Alexakis solo, and it started with the unlikely sight of Everclear's leader playing acoustic guitar and singing Neil Young's "Harvest." After a few more acoustic numbers--including the gorgeous number off Everclear's last record about his daughter, Annabella--he brought out the other two members of the band. "I guess it's Everclear after all," Alexakis noted. He said that only Seattle and Portland were getting this unplugged version of the whole band. In its hour-long set, the group played its biggest hits--"Heroin Girl" and "Santa Monica"--to great effect; acoustically, these songs seemed more melodic, and Alexakis' singing was smoother than normal. The band also premiered several new songs from its upcoming album, including "Everything to Everyone," about the record industry. Like a lot of the set, it was charming and funny. During one break, Alexakis even joked about his caricature in the last issue of this publication [calendar lead, #250]: "Did anybody see that shot of me in The Rocket?" he asked. "I looked like Ren."