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I've finally got the NEW PICTURES in! They turned out really good so please look!

We have recently confirmed that Robbie's new band name is now Rabbihead! :) The show was really awesome.

They opened with Soulflower, which sounded great because Robbie had drums and bass backing him while he played the guitar. They played a few other songs that some of you might recognize if you know Robbie's music, like Come Down and Problem.

They sounded really good for not being a band who has been together and been practicing for years. They put on a really good live show and as always, Robbie got really into it. The drummer was really awesome and looked like he was having a kick ass time back there! The bassist was really cool too. They all looked like they were having a lot of fun:)

The show really rocked! They sounded great, and I only wish the best of luck to them in the future! In my opinion, they're going to make it... because their music rocks and the lyrics have a lot of meaning. They're definitely a band I wouldn't mind seeing again.

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