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Robbie's Faves

I asked him his favorites:

color: purple is cool

cd: changes all the time. right now? a Mother Love Bone bootleg

food: oooooh, so much good stuff! I love sushi, and breakfast stuff like french toast and anything chocolate is good too- mmmmm

snack: always changing. cookies, chocolate things, cereal

grocery store: the one in Costa Rica, cause that means I'm there bodyboarding!

kind of car: i have an old-style van, and I love it. my ideal car wouldn't run on gas though.

animal: human beings are so interesting....

book: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

band/singer: too many to list

I asked him to choose one or neither:

the mall or anywhere else? the beach!

pepsi or coke? coke, but I don't drink soda anymore.

brittney spears or christina aguilera? Minnie Riperton

white bread or wheat bread? wheat for sandwiches and toast, white for grilled cheese, pbj's, and some french toast. I love big crusty loaves of bread raw too

cookies or ice cream? cookies WITH ice cream!

tv or radio? radio, cause I don't own a tv

These are all Robbie's direct answers, quoted from him.

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