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Rabbithead @the Roxy

February 26th, 2002

This show rocked so much! Off the top of my head, I can remember a few of the songs... for those of you who know Robbie's music, you'll recognize most of these: Searching, Problem, Candyapple, and Soulfower. All of these songs sounded really good, and what an improvement from the last show I saw! Searching is a great song, and the way Rabbithead plays it is so good. They really turn it into a hard-core rock song.

Problem was my favorite song of the evening. It sounded the best, and I just love it! It's already a rocking song, but when Rabbithead plays it, it sounds even more awesome. I can still remember what it sounded like live, and it rocked the entire place. I think everyone relaly liked this song.

Speaking of the audience, this show had a great turn out. There were a lot of people there, very different from what I am used to seeing at Robbie/Rabbithead shows. It was really cool to see such a great crowd.

Candyapple, as some of you might know, is a fairly new song. It sounded really good live, as all the songs did. Now, the last song that I specifically remember, is Soulflower!! Yay for Soulfower! I love this song so much :-) I think this song is one of the best songs they play live, besides Problem, because that song just kicks ass. But Soulflower is a great song, I remember this one being very loud. lol And loud is good... all of the songs were really loud. The venue had really great sound and the whole place just amplified everything to the max.

I took a few pictures in color at this show, and about 10-15 in black and white. I am developing the black and white ones myself at school, so once I get some more prinitng paper and enough time in the lab, I will print them out and put them on this page somewhere. The color ones are being developed this weekend, so I should have those few up withing the next week or two. Keep checking back for updates~

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