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Questions With Robbie

Melissa: Is it fun to be on tour with a band who has such a strong fan base?

Robbie: Yes, it's great fun! The fans really dig the message in the music, and give their support so strongly, and I appreciate what it means to them. I also see the effect any artist can have on fans, and the responsibility that goes along with that. It's not always easy to be what everyone wants you to be or thinks you are, as their expectations can often be unrealistic. But that's the power of music, you know?

Melissa: What do you think of fans who follow everclear around because they love them so much?

Robbie: Well, there are borderlines to obsession, but hey, I've seen the Allman Brothers Band like 16 times, including a few crazy trips around Florida. I don't feel that makes me mentally unstable, and had I not, I wouldn't have seen some of the more amazing shows along the way (the live version of "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed" in Daytona transcended all precedent- unbelievable). So, I think that it's great in a way, as well as a little extreme in some situations. It's always nice tho to know that you are affecting people with your music.

Melissa: What does it feel like, personally for you, to be onstage doing what you love and having people admire you for that?

Robbie: Well, I love doing what I do for my livelihood, and my personal fullfillment is most important to my quality of life. I don't rely on anyone else's approval or critcism to justify what I do. But it is sure nice knowing that I made somebody dance, or smile, or wanna play, or whatever. That connection between performer and listener is really awesome and special, and I personally always give my all to the show with that in mind.

Melissa: Do you and the guys of everclear have a close relationship, even though you haven't been touring with them for as long as some of the other touring members?

Robbie: Yea, I think living on a bus like that, you can't help but get close with people. There were no huge conflicts, and I'd like to think we're all buddies now. Since they mostly live in Portland, I don't think we'll be goin bowling and stuff, but hey- i had a fun time, and got to rock out on some great music with a talented bunch of guys. Can't complain.

Melissa: Even though I know you are not allowed to- do you wish you could go out after the shows to sign stuff and take pictures with the fans? A lot of the everclear fans would like that:)

Robbie: I would love to, and don't feel it's any threat to the band or their careers. Any serious fan knows I'm just a hired gun, so to speak, and any casual fan always gets the explanation of that, so there is no confusion that Art, Craig and Greg are Everclear. It is kind of disheartening to have to avoid meeting everyone and refuse autograph signings, but i have to look at it as a job, and if that's the way they want it, then that's the way it is. A lot of people have asked me about it, and probably asked the band, and I sometimes don't know what to say. I never want to be rude to anyone, nor do I need the attention for an ego stroke. So, hopefully those in the know will check out my website on their own time ( and maybe I'll be able to do my own tour soon, and sign whatever you want. Thanks to everyone for all the support and love. And regarding the "no talking to fans" policy, know that Art hasn't heard any of my music, so I'm sure he doesn't know what the fuss is about. Perhaps one day he will...