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During my spring break in April 2001 I took a trip to Santa Monica and Summerland. Here are the pictures I took in Summerland-

The first picture we had to stop on the freeway to get! lol. It was a little scary because of all the cars, but the picture turned out great:)

The second picture is at the top of the walkway that leads down to the Summerland beach. It was beautiful.

The third is an overhead view from one of the farthest houses in Summerland. All the houses in Summerland overlook the beach and ocean.

As we got off the freeway and turned into summerland, there was a sign- ofcourse I had to get out and get another picture! And yes that is me in front of the sign:)

This second one is of the beach, and if you look close you can see that I spelled EVERCLEAR in the sand. (In the backround- my mom and two of my sisters.) The beach was very isolated, there was no one there and the waves were not very big. The atmosphere was calm and relaxing. Everything seemed very peaceful.

The last picture above is of (from left to right) me, my sister Danielle, my sister Sarah, and my mom.

When we arrived we went to breakfast at the Summerland Beach Cafe. The food was great and the people were so nice. It was a little strange because at the Cafe everything seemed perfect, and we didn't want to mess anything up. It was like if we dropped a fork or something (which my sister did) we would throw the entire town off track. lol. It was funny.

-Something that my family found really silly that I did was take home a big bag full of Summerland sand from the beach. I now have it in a jar on my shelf with the lyrics to Summerland on the outside.

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