Enter these codes in the Cheats section under the Specials menu. Enter the code a second time to deactivate.
girlnextdoor - Play as Mary Jane
hermanschultz - Play as The Shocker
serum - Play as Scientist
knuckles - Play as Thug 1
stickyrice - Play as Thug 2
thugsrus - Play as Thug 3
captainstacey - Play as Helicopter Pilot
freakout - Play as Matrix Spidey
realhero - Play as Police Officer
organicwebbing - Unlimited Webbing
koala - All Fighting Fighting Controls Unlocked
romitas - Enables 'Next Level' Feature in the In-Game menu
imiarmas - Enables all levels
dodgethis - Matrix Attacks
joelspeanuts - Bighead enemies
spiderbyte - Mini Spider-Man
goestoyourhead - Bighead and Bigfeet Spidey
underthemask - 1st Person Mode
chillout - Super coolant
headexplody - Enable Bonus Training Levels
Unlock "Pinhead" Bowling mini-game
Earn 10000 points in the single player game. Points are earned for playing well, and other constraints (time bonuses, etc....)
Play as Green Goblin
Start the game on hard or super hero difficulty and get into the first level. Use the pause menu and quit out to the main shell. Enter the "ARACHNID" cheat in the cheats menu which will open up all levels. Use "Level Warp" to go to the conclusion level. This is only the final cinematic where Norman reveals himself to Spidey and is taken out by the glider. When you play this cinematic you have essentially beaten the game on whatever difficulty you chose at the beginning. Get back to the main menu and enter the "Secret Store". Turn on the Green Goblin. Use "Level Warp" or just start a new game and you will be playing as the Green Goblin. You will be playing at whatever difficulty you chose at step one unless you choose to start a new game and select a new difficulty.