This movie was fan freakin tastic. Weird but great. Everything is great about this movie. First of all, the story is great. If you have seen the original, it is not a remake. NOT the same story, at all, not even a little bit. It is more like a sequel. It is still a great movie though, so do not dismis it. Anyway, the story goes like this: A pilot launches from a space station to find his lost chimp who was lost in a storm in space. So as not to give away any details, he ends up on THE PLANET OF THE APES and has to bring the species together in harmony.
Second of all , the costumes are great. Every facial movement made by the actors is performed perfectly through the mask. The movements are also amazing. I have watched documentaries that said the actors even had to go to Ape School to learn how Apes would move and act.
Third of all, the movie leaves you wondering, “What the hell?”. The ending makes no sense to me, but that means that their will be a definite sequel, Because they have to explain that or I will have an aneurism. You could have no idea. It was so messed up... AHHHHHH.