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The only game ever to be released based completely on Sea-Doo racing, Splashdown competes with the other water racers out there and is arguably the best. The only other game of its kind on PS2 is Wave Rally which is not up to par with other titles. Its only real competition is on the Gamecube, Wave Race: Blue Storm. While Wave Race focuses on racing, SplashDown focuses on both racing and stunts.

The gameplay is great and performing stunts is easy, but I think the button layout could have been better. The buttons used for stunts are R1, R2, and L2, and if you accidentally press L1. Probably the better idea would have been keeping all the stunt buttons on the Triangle Circle and Square buttons, a la Tony Hawk. Eventually you get used to it but it takes a little while. Other than that I have no problem with the gameplay.

Also the graphics are stunning. The water affects are amazing and have no competition anywhere. All the movements of the racers are fluid and as you perform each stunt you are wowed. Also only one problem with these is the lack of variety in the water. Really the water only has two different wave patterns, both have been extremely refined though.

The soundtrack is the best i have heard in a long time featuring new bands like Blink 182 that match the gameplay very well.

Overall, the game has a quality that should not be missed. If you are a fan of ATV Off-Road Fury, you will LOVE Splashdown. If you are not, then you will still like it.


Good Stuff +
Lots of courses
Lots of racers
Great 2 player mode
Fun to Play
Lots of Replay Value

Bad Stuff -
Not many variety of waves
Stunts take a while to get used to