Wow, a big disappointment. I mean it wasn’t a total waste, and it had really action packed scenes. The end was horrible though. But I will get to that when it is time, first some good things about this mediocre movie.
The story was very well planned out and written, and it helped that it was very well acted. John Travolta does a good portrayal of a terrorist, of course he is not your average terrorist, he is claiming to be a patriot and wants to defend America by killing other terrorists, but the end does not always justify the means, for he is holding many innocent people hostage. Anyway, the world’s number one hacker, Stan, is thrown in the mix with the promise of getting his daughter back. The rest is a bunch of action packed scenes until it comes to a climax. The end was mediocre at best, leaving you wanting to know what happened, why it happened, where it is going to lead, etc.
The special effects are not what you call mind blowing, with one Matrix scene in the beginning then not really any effects that would make this movie stand out. Sometimes the scenes were edge of your seat, but that only happened twice in the whole movie, other times it was just predictable, and other times it was normal, not amazing and not bland, just fine.
Overall, the movie was mediocre, and is a good rental, but the ending ruins the whole movie and makes me want to throw something at the screen. You can see it if you want, but I would recommend going at a bargain matinee, just so that you don’t waste eight dollars and fifty cents.