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undefined my info:

Name: +a ... Rosa
B-Day: April 5, 1987 (go year of the Hare!!! BooYah)

Nicky Names: Rosi, Little Sister, Shorty,
Piggy, mrs. fezziwig, brown eyes, ross,
Jamaica, rosi poof,
oh, this is a good one: "his sister",
the list goes on..
Sex: ima girl-yo
Sibaling: Francesco, mah wonderfully wonderful big bro. hey Cio
Age: 17! finally! i can drive AND watch R movies!!
Hobbiez: i loooove chillin with friends, watching movies, watchin FRIENDS, i love drawing and painting, i love running, uhmmmm sleeping in..
Grade:SeNiOrS tHiS Yr!!!
Hair COlor: Chocolate Brown (just agree with me)
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown (hehehe, yummm)
What people think of me:
they think
HehehEe, nah,i actually have no clu.. u tell me
What i think of myself: well... i am italian... and i like food...
that's basically all i think of myself...
Wut im excited about right now:Two things:
ErNiE SaId IM gOOd!!!!!!!!!!!! and,
i'm teaching sunday school for middle schoolers!!!! weirdly, it's reli fun!
(one of the)Weirdest thing about me:
i LOVE apple juice,
apple sauce,
apple cider,
but i HATE apples.
hehe, isn't that just weird?
Smartest thing i've ever said (it was advice i gave):
and because i said it, if u use it, ur gonna have to quote me on it. that's how proud i am of this!! ok, here it is:
"All I can to listen. Listen hard. Listen to your heart, and listen to the sky. Just listen. Because that's God talking, and He gives the best advice."
My Favorites:
Fav COlor: uhmmm... well there is... BLUE!!!
Fav Animal:DOgGieZ

Fav Sport to watch:Soccer, but i like watching basically all sports... if i'm in the right mood.. i'll even watch golf *GAsPp!*
Fav Sport to do:Cross Country, and TRaCk, they're HeLLa cooL
Fav Track Event: the 800-dude! all the way baby!! oh yeah!!!! who won at st. francis!?? i did!! who's PR was one second away from getting her into VARSITY girls leagues??? mine was!! *does victory dance...*

Fav cartoon character: DoNaLd!!i have no idea why...
Fav SongS:
top four:
Invisible Man(even tho it is soo sad), At The Beginning by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis, Brown Eyes (Destiny's Child), and I'll make love to you (Boys II Men)
followed by:
Single for the rest of my life (Isyss), anything by Tyrese-boi knows what he's singing bout,
and anything by Craig David, The World's greatest(R. Kelly), Overprotected (britney), what you see is what you get (britney),
infinito (Raf), troppo sensibile (Raf), the rest of Raf's cd,
Can't Fight The Moonlight (Leann Rymes)(such a freakishly cool song!!!!!)
the whole BBMAK cd, The Rock Show (blink-182), What's My Age Again (blink182),
19-2000 (gorillaz), Flavor of the week (American HiFi),
You got it bad (Usher), u make me wanna (usher i think)
Brandy's new and old stuff,
all of Aaliya's music-she kicks ass,
basically all of Nelly's songs (not nelly furtdao--eeww),
what's the name of that City High song? ..
a couple of Tiziano Ferro's songs (count them, TWO)
Complicated and sk8er boi by Avril Lavigne
Oh yeah, and every single one of Eminem's songs. i don't think i have ever heard one of his songs that i didn't like..
the list goes on..
(sorry Cla :)
Fav MoVieS:MIB(you know it's the best, just agree w/ me),
also Life Is Beautiful is cool.. 10 Things I Hate About You!! many, many others..
I can't stand:



Nelly Furtado

When ppl take my seat

ppl walking reli slo infront of me..

a language i don't understand... shuuttt upppp!!

When ppl pre-judge





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