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Rita & Jerry Johnson Home Page

Tracy, California

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What's New?


Johnson Family

Genealogy and Family History

Northern California




Air Force



The West Wing

Tom Clancy



HOSTS:  We are Rita and Jerry Johnson and we welcome you to our web site.  We live in Tracy, California, about 65 miles east of San Francisco.   We built this site in answer to a barely discernible public outcry and clamor for such a product.

PURPOSE:  We hope that our friends, past, present and not-yet-found, will stumble onto the site and drop us a line.  The site describes some of our interests.  Maybe they're your interests, too.  Let us know.

Let us tell you about our grandkids.  Just click on the thumbnails for the real photos.

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Jared Alexander Long 

Lindsay Elise Long 

Dylan James Schiele

INTERESTS: Many of our interests are behind those links to the left.  Go ahead, take a look.  Or check our Site Map for a further description of our Sections and Topics.  Briefly:

Family -  Catch a glimpse of our family below.  We have more inside.

Genealogy -  Calling all cousins.  I caught the genealogy bug from my mother, Mildred Lucille Johnson, nee Cassell.  Surnames of interest are listed on the genealogy page with links to family twigs and history (always under construcion). 

Northern California -  Arguably the best place to live on the planet.  Let us tell you about it. 

Nebraska -  The Good Life.  For some, a great place to be from, but for most of us, our Nebraska roots serve us well.

Huskers -  It would seem that Nebraska has a state law that all citizens have to be avid football fans.  It ain't necessary.   I support the web site for the Northern Californians for Nebraska.  And Sports in general, especially Bay Area teams.

Air Force -  1966-1987.  A previous life with stops in Wichita, Great Falls, Omaha before Tracy, California.  We would certainly enjoy hearing from the many friends we made at each of those assignments.

Theater - Rita is a long-time costumer, make-up artist and even occasional actor in community theaters.   We've even been to Broadway a time or two.

The West Wing (TWW) -  I don't watch much TV but every once in a while I take a liking to a show, then, "Katy, bar the door!"

Tom Clancy -  I am an avid reader but mainly history, biography, politics, etc., almost no non-fiction.  However there are a couple of fiction writers who capture my attention.

Curmudgeon -  "a surly, ill-mannered, bad-tempered person; cantankerous fellow - "  I really am about as sweet-tempered and pleasant fellow as you'd every want to meet, but I aspire to a greater life, a life of curmudgeonism in my old age.  I'll be practicing here.

LINKS:  Miscellaneous links we've found and enjoyed or our invitation to you to waste a significant part of your life, too..
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Our extended family.  Standing: Jim Schiele son-in-law, daughter Jennifer, Jerry, son-in-law Ivan Long.  In the Shorty's row: daughter Wendy and niece Erin Strauss.  Seated:  daughter Jeanne with son Dylan, Rita with Ivan & Wendy's son Jared, Rita's siter Rae Strauss and Steve Stauss. And receiving billing of her own, is someone who missed the family portrait by about a year and a half.  The most recent addition to our family is Lindsay Elise Long, daughter of Wendy and Ivan Long, born June 15th, 2000 and the Family Sweetheart.  Ain't she something?

Murphy & KC
The last two members of our family are featured at the top of the page.  Did you see them?  On the left is K.C., a six-year old Labrador and actually Dylan's Doggie, but currently living with Grandma and Grandpa.  On the right is the reluctant friend of K.C., Murphy, a five-year-old Cocker/Shepherd/Collie/etc. mix who has been Top Dog since puppydom and continues to lobby for Center Stage.


Site Map.


HELLO Friends

Our web site is meant as a means to stay in touch with old friends and to find some whom we may have lost track of.

Please take a few moments to look around and do drop us a line.

We're looking forward to hearing from you.

Rita & Jerry















TOP Email: Jerry or Rita  | updated: 21 August, 2001Copyright © 2001 by Jerry Johnson Thank you for visiting,
come again.