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a hella kool ad...and i want this for my birthday!

i think ali should hella trade me jobs cuz im hella kooler than him and he sucks like hella and so he should do the labs and i shouldnt have to cuz i can hella do a better slide shouw than him. yeah cuz im kooler than him and he sucks and yeah. ALI SUCKS!! PWAHHAHAHYHAHA. joanne is hella kooler than him. everyone thinks so. and also, its like a known fact that joanne is hella kooler than joanne

HELLA hw! i cant believe the rock thing hasta be a whole poster board! thats hella torture!

dude sound of music was hella jective cuz me and frances can hella sing! and we visited baran like 6 times! and frances hella yelled "go baran!" haha yeah. i wanna see the movie again, but i dunno where it is. so i hella cant so wahh! =(

aZnGyMNasT87: but you hella miss me right/.
aZnGyMNasT87: ?
In VeRt XsTnX: Course i do
aZnGyMNasT87: yeah cuz you havent seen me for like an hour and a half
aZnGyMNasT87: so youre like crying about it
aZnGyMNasT87: haha
In VeRt XsTnX: thatz rite

ihella got kicked out of gym yesterday and i cant go back until i have goals and a reason to be there. so i was thinking about next wednesday, but then i realized it was my bros bday or sweet tomatoes night (i havent decided which one to do yet), so then i was like dude, il hafta wait til next thursday. so thats what im gonna do. it hella sucks. and dude! im hella gonna fail english! its HARD! apparently, i wasnt blessed with the gift to be able to ace tests on books i havent read. see, that just pisses me off. i hella hafta catch up in hella classes. today i was taking an algebra quiz and it was like "find the vertex" or something and i was like "vertex? what the hell is vertex?!" and then i guessed and it took me like 10 min to figure it out, and i was soo happy! even though i prolly failed everything else...=( wish me luck on the next quiz...

"mr heuer, can i accel alg2/trig?" "i really wouldnt recommend it" "well can i do hon alg2/trig next year then?" *talk for 5 min* "i dont know. ill ask dr fry."
"mr lazar, can i goto honors alg2/trig?" "what did you get in geometry?" "A" "do you want to be in honors?" "yeah" "ok" *sign*
=) YAYYY!! (even though it sucks that im gonna be in a class with those stupid workaholic freshman!) hey! my only choice was freshman and juniors! and oddly enough, the freshman class looks better on your transcript! =P

i hella had to jack a science book to do my classwork at home cuz i have classwork from like a month ago til like now and i have to do it all..not to mention im behind 8 chapters on to kill a mockingbird, which means im 8 chapters behind on the study guide and i also have vocab, and then the boo radley worksheet which is double sided and i have no clue what the hell its on...and then i have 5 days of geometry homework, 3 days of algebra notes, 6 days of algebra homework, and a science lab and 3 pages of science notes, and a ton of work left on my science project. and then im hella behind in french so i need to catch up on that too but then i have no clue what the hell were learning right now...and plus, i have gym tomorrow, so i wont have time until like 9 to start my homework. god, my life is so screwed

~031102~ much catching up to do...its gonna take at least like 5 years (literally, like a week) =(

~031002~ you know how long 7mux is gonna take? esp. if youre gonna get 7mux801 cuz you know you need the 801 so you never forget that joannes birthday is on august first! omg i cleaned my room! whoa wait that doesnt work...anyways, i have 44 tank tops/cap sleeves/halter tops...but mostly tank tops cuz its 4 cap sleeves, 2 halters. so yeah! i have a kool rainbow! whoohoo! im gonna go count the yellow ones...hold on. okay! 12! thats hella kool. my room doesnt hella have that many flashes of yellow anymmore =(

HEY KEVIN --- GUESTBOOK ENTRY!..its a big block of crap...
Wednesday 07/11/2001 10:01:57am
anD ur name would BE? joDijieH huaNg
webbie: http://
aim sn if idunno it:
rate the site: amazingly good
ennything u wanna announce? kev, i miss pavan. and i really need to talk to you right now because ur not here cuz YOU HAD TO GOTO L.A. and i really really need to talk to you right now because theres no one else i can talk to. well, edison might be a possibility, but no one else would know wut i'm talking about. cuz i'm having these high heel boots, and its really annoying and confusing. and i also hafta talk to u about the dork kid and this other thing and how ppl are thinking weird things all the time and i dont understand why. maybe u can explain it to me? err...yeah. cuz like i only got 2 people who agreed with me, and theyre like those dull people who have no life and listen to me all day. but i really miss pavan which is really buggin me cuz i dont even really know him that well and i wouldnt really hav even considered him agood friend or anything like that. so thats really buggin the heck outta me. please hurry up and come back!!! i really really hafta talk to u. and oh yeah. my dad wants to take another vacation and im like wut da hell? until i realized dat i had gym fer 10.5 hours a week and how badly i wanted to skip it but i cant becuz of competition and i wanna quit except i cant because i dont want to take PE. its really really annoying. everyones like gone in the summer and someones still at pavans house. i dunno who it is. but they say that pavan is outta town and wont be back. yesterday i passed fabs house 6 times. 4 times, his garage was open and the trunk to his car was open too. and wuts weird was i knew that yuri was at his house. haha. i shoulda stopped and called him on the cell fone. cuz i actually brot it with me =þ. but i dint so yeah. his house is like sooooo nice. I WANT HIS HOUSE. err...but if i lived in it it wouldnt be nice anymore cuz the grass would be all yellow and inside the house would be all messy and stuff. L!! ROFLFAO! yeah. and i saw ur bros pic in the yearbook. its not a good pic, btw. and it was soo easy to find his yearbook signature, cuz his phone # is like the same as urs and i saw it written like SOOOOOO big on these 2 pages. he drew a car too. haha. he dusnt even look like you like at all! are u taller den him? he rites nicer den u too. hahaha. but at da end wen he started to rite kinda sloppy, his riting started to look EXACTLY like urs. whoa. thats hecka scary. my parents are starting to bug me about the SATs now. and so wen like mike takes it, then i'll start to panic. even though im already starting to panic. cuz i know that theres no way that i can score well and its juss not a good thought cuz its scary to wen u no dat u cant get into a good college. its just a really scary thought and makes u feel lost. especially wen ur best friend is THE ALL TIME GENIUS. *AHEM* u meaniepoop. and den wen the world's dumass is dat guy who got 1410 on da SATs. if the worlds dumass is THAT smart, den gosh, no wonder da bitches are da stoopid ones. ughhh. im at ohlone learning all this stuff that i already no. u no, da stuff that i dont need to know? yeah. that stuff. andnow the teacher is coming and its break time. how poopy... yeah. baiy baiy, my fatbuddy. LBP! L!! hahaha love always, joDijieH huaNg

dude 40 days and 40 nights sucked! they made the characters too horny. and the visual aids were hella like unnecessary! dude josh hartnett isnt even cute! and WHY the hell is he on the cover of cosmogirl?! it should hella be jamie and david (it is NOT an obsession kevin!) and frances' boots are HELLA kool and she can hella not run in them. those chocolate egg things are hella kool! and frances' obsession with shock tarts is weird. i can hella meditate! it was weird how i saw melissa and allison in both the white guy stores i went in. my yellow belt is hella kool. yeah! ok! and jomefra hudahu is not a kool name!

Finalityboi (8:47:40 PM): wanna have sex?
aZnGyMNasT87 (8:47:46 PM): nah
aZnGyMNasT87 (8:47:49 PM): not now
Finalityboi (8:49:35 PM): fyne
haha what a weirdo! but hes still kooler than imitation john! and joanne is hella kool and you know it! ali is not kool! my gym coach is putting wayyy too much pressure on me, im seriously gonna like die if i keep getting this kind of unkool pressure.

*time, sometimes the time just slips away, and your left with yesterday, left with the memories, i, i'll always think of you and smile, and be happy for the time, i had you with me, though we go our separate ways, i won't forget, so don't forget the memories we made*
haha hella kool song, but im hella gonna not like it when im a senior. im mad at alvin cuz he didnt miss me! and i hella punched eric today! whoohoo!

omg! i hella got dissed by eric!
Smartaznguy100 (10:35:16 PM): i wouldn't mind having a girl ordering me around
aZnGyMNasT87 (10:35:37 PM): ..sure sure
Smartaznguy100 (10:35:44 PM): its true
Smartaznguy100 (10:36:06 PM): its called manners
aZnGyMNasT87 (10:36:12 PM): it is
aZnGyMNasT87 (10:36:17 PM): and most guys dont have any!
Smartaznguy100 (10:36:20 PM): when a girl asks you to do something you always do it
aZnGyMNasT87 (10:36:38 PM): hey no one listens to me!
aZnGyMNasT87 (10:36:45 PM): well except my freshman
aZnGyMNasT87 (10:36:48 PM): but hes different
aZnGyMNasT87 (10:36:53 PM): hes hella polite
Smartaznguy100 (10:36:54 PM): maybe cuz you don't act like a girl?
aZnGyMNasT87 (10:37:16 PM): yeah, but would you say i act like a guy?
Smartaznguy100 (10:37:38 PM): sometimes, most of the time
aZnGyMNasT87 (10:37:52 PM): how?
Smartaznguy100 (10:38:21 PM): actually no, soemtimes
aZnGyMNasT87 (10:39:15 PM): actually, i do not go around making crude remarks about sex, trying to hit on girls, or talking about dumb computer games

dude i hella didnt win in my division at the go tournament! dude! i hella wanted that lamp though! ahhh! but everyone still knows that joanne is hella smart and shes hella kool, RIGHT?! (the answer is yes, just so you know) i hope i had no homework...CRAP! i just realized i had some english stuff that i was actually gonna do!! ahh! im screwed! so ill update tomorrow. ahhh!

im dying! ahh! dude are we going to sadies or not! i tried to call your cell megan! you were somewhere...cingular has bad reception! you should hella kill it!

dude i was HELLA tired today! i had to sleep through like everything! cuz usually i only sleep 1st and 2nd! but i went to bed at like 1030 yesterday i dont know why. must be all the copying math homework in 3rd period! hahaha j/k. science is still hella my favorite class! i saw annie and annies friends at starbucks!! everyone hella missed me yesterday when i left to do homework! im sorry you guys! i still love you! haha we had coffee on my freshman! he hella paid for our huge drinks! =) so awesome. felicia didnt wear red today! ahhh! dude no ones going to sadies so i prolly wont go either =( that sucks. oh well. its ok. ok, im hella gonna go do chinese homework now so i like dont get THAT busted later. fun fun fun!

a weeks worth of math homework. ahhh! i cant believe i hafta do it ALL today! im hella gonna die! cuz i also have all the normal homework and then also i have gym which take up too much time and i wanna quit but i dont think i will until the end of june, so yeah. ahh! omg fabien is so mean! they had drank. who cares if its they had drunk?! i was gonna change it but im like "oh this is a french test. ms needham wont care" and everyone else put they had drank and got it right, but fabien HAD to mark me off for that! thats so mean! dude! and everyday i hella ask people what pouvoir means. and i always forget. im stalking polina. well im not really, and i never have and i dont intend to, but its just fun to say that cuz yeah. ok. yeah...felicia has a crazy obsession with red! and im NOT bendable! salchow, puppy chow, ALVIN CHOW! hahahhahahaa. ok, nevermind you probably dont get it. =(

quand yen était jeune, il était court. il est court. maintenant, il est court. demain, il sera court. il sera court tout le temps. awww poor yen! i dont get my geometry crap cuz were hella doing trig and im just like dude what the hell is sine? yeah im a loser like the forever short yen. so sad...=( RUN ERIC! RUN! hahaha loser. eric is hella charles. i hella failed the writing assessment! ahhh!!!

hahaha omg! if you see eric it hella just makes you start laughing! HAHAHAHA! hes so dumb. anyways, fabien hella likes shrimp chips...ewww...hes like not a zombie then! dude! thats so unkool! and yeah..."i want tortilla chips" hahaha ok. anyways, yeah. can you believe that like no one believes that i killed 3 of barans fish until they ask him?! dude! haha my calculator was hella on a wierd setting when i let polina borrow it for her math test and it hella helped her fail. but then i hella failed a math test today too. i was just like k whatever that looks wrong but oh well. and my hand is hella black and dirty now cuz i did so many math problems on it. its so like unkool and stuff. ms needham was like oh theres a blue mark on your hand. and i was like dude its a black mark cuz i did a math problem on it. its so unkool to show your work on a math test unless it asks for it anyways. "when its yellow light, slow slow slow" yeah that is kind of wrong for some people. but there are also some people who do slow down at yellow lights. not a lot, but some. yeah jamie and david are better than elena and anton, but both of them are still kool. like whoaa hella. yeah hella broke and if i dont goto bed or like study at night, my dad give me long lectures, asks me questions, and is probably gonna make me do better think of stuff to do at night! i hella hafta watch gilmore girls today. my contacts arent coming til thursday! ahhhh! im hella blind! and frances is hella deaf! ahhh! im hella starting to fail geometry too. i got a 70 on my last quiz. and i hella failed the science quiz and french quiz too. what the hell kind of name is "white noise" anyways! french is hard. its hard to learn the conditional past and the future whatever when you dont know the conditional and future tenses. i was all hella confused and mixed up. =(

dude thomas hella cant stalk us when we go on our road trip to athens! dude im gonna hella be driving that boxcar through the air! and were hellla like medal contenders and yeah were hella gonna win mens beach volleyball cuz were all hella good at everything. were hella gonna win everything else too cuz were so kool and everything. yeah and we all know that the british guy is a zombie who hella craves potato chips cuz yeah thats hella like who he is now. and like stephen hella died 2 times we all know that too. dude! my water hella comes back! that was good soup and you guys ditched me afterwards. i still have a fever. and yeah thats why im not going to gym today and im hella good at ice skating i have my quad axel whoa whoa whoa whoa! yeah hellla! go joanne! whoohoo! everyone thinks im hella kool and im hella like a pro ice skater who hella does hella tours and stuff like that and hella like gets super duper amounts of money to be in dumb commercials..and no im not like the bank of america people. ok, im going crazy typing way to much. and my arm is getting really tired from typing so much. so im gonna go now. byeeeee! oh yeah. "POKE THAT PERSON!" whoohooo!!!

blah. everything tastes weird. i slept for 17 hours straight. thats...interesting. and now im home and no ones making me any food! wahhhh! im so hella hurt. oh well. dude i still cant breathe. frances should not come to my house when its like dark and say shes gonna bike on the back road home. thats like scary. but then i went back to sleep and forgot about it. haha. hope you got home ok, frances! gosh my life is so revolves around food, and uhh, sleep. and tv, kind of. download leann rimes - please remember me and leanne rimes - fire within. everyone watch the closing ceremony1 i cant believe the olympics ended so fast! i still wanna goto athens to watch valerie poke people and win a medal for it! haha and then i can watch those kool acrobat peoples! and people hurting themselves in gymnastics is kinda fun to watch too! haha anyways yeah. hope i dint have any homework! D=

dude i HELLA cant breathe! megan had her soup! i have food...yeah. i still think frances should teach me how to double my money =P. dude emilys chinese teacher hella didnt yell at us today! whoohoo! awesomeness dude! aww...the olympics is almost over! you know that one guy has a hot bod though! haha ok. im not crazy, but gosh our simon hella left us! me and frances hella won gold! ahhh i used up sooo much tissue and so much trash can space. i owe frances a dollar. everyone remind me on monday cuz i might forget. blech. i cant write essays. they scare me. actually they only scare me when its an assigned topic, which it im hella screwed. pray for me. haha. ok, byee!

ahhh!! its hella frances' bday today!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANCES!!! we hella need boxes of soup! get well megan! ugh my teachers didnt let me sleep for whole periods and i have a 101.6° fever! ahhh! friancesss! im hella dying without a hard head! ..or is my head hard? hmm...dunno...anyways yeah. chinese head hurts and i cant have advin for another 3.5 hours. oh well...frances hella doubled her money! thats hella awesome! sarah hughes was hecka good. michelle kwan was under too much pressure. irina slutskaya is good but sadly, messed up. sarah cohen is good, but needs more experience. jennifer robinson in kool. yeah. thats all. have fun at the dance for those of you who are going. and if you cant think of who to be, be that hockey player! ;-)...anyways, im off to lie down. bye bye!

omg frances' bday tomorrow! gosh my frances is getting so old! 15 years old! my frances is growing up so fast! *sniff* haha j/k. i havent updated this in like forever hahaha. science is still hella my favorite class! dude i still cant breathe! yellow is hella awesome and i hella need to see and read love story. megans hella dying! im not kidding! dude just knock on her head! its hella hard unless you put her jacket on top and then knock! dudddeee everyoens dying!! and valerie needs to goto the olympics in 2004 so i can watch her and make a poster that says "go valerie! poke that person!" haha yeah! haha i should learn my verbs in french cuz im like whats that again? haha i forgot what pouvoir is again! so sad... =(


heyhey. no, i dont think im going to winter ball cuz yeah yeah yeah you know, i cant get a guy. haha anyways, those of you who are going...I HOPE IT SUCKS! haha, j/k i still love you. yes amy, i do need to start measuring guys for valentines, i know theyre not gonna grow. hahaha. im not crazy, just so you know. and thomas, i still think u should get me the car even tho mike was already gettin it fer me cuz then i could have 2 just in case i break one. and wills hair was koolios today. err...better take that out just in case like someone who knows him looks in here. haha oh well. yup. and everyone forgot edisons birthday just cuz it was on thanksgiving. we are so insensitive. all we think about is ourselves (and our precious, precious food!)!! haha yup. anyways, talk to you later. bye byee!! =

hey everyone! yes, i did get bored. no, i didnt do my homework. and yes, i should do it. and NO, im not going to. but thanks for asking. anyways, im bored, so IM me. cuz yeah. im bored. like i mentioned. and wuts everyone gettin me fer christmas anyway? i know thomas is getting me the car. although michael was supposed to get it for me. and no albert, i dont have gum. kevin: look look look! you see? you see? BOO! *holds on to fingers, jumps around in circles* yeah fun stuff. anyways, yeah. haha talk to u later. by the way kevin, GIVE ME A PICTURE OF HIM! best regards. byee!

love always (always = like 2 days),