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Some stuff returns...

The following items have resurfaced in the past few years after being gone for generations.  Many of the items made a quick comeback and, just as quickly, faded again.  Others came back to stay...

•    Big Boy Hamburgers (only it's not Bob's Big Boy anymore!)

•    Burma Shave

•    Fizzies (available for sale on the internet--I bought some at the 99 Cent Only Store last year, too!)

•    Jell-O 1-2-3 (no longer with us)

•    McDonald's McRib Sandwich (they have them now at the outlet at the corner of Valley Way and Mission Boulevard in Rubidoux!)

•    Post Crispy Critters (no longer with us since about 1989)

•    Quaker Quisp cereal (you'll need lots of memory on your computer to view the website!)

Last updated May 10, 2001