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CyberMaxx Pinouts


During my brief encounter with the CyberMaxx 2.0 I tracked down some pinouts from the RS-232 connector.  Originally my CyberMaxx, which I acquired on Ebay, came without the fan out connector.  So I decided to make my own.  Here are the pins that  I found, maybe someone out there needs them too.


RS-232 Connector

Pin                                           Signal found


2............................................9 VDC

4............................RCA Video Gnd

11......................RCA Video Signal

12.............................Audio Ground

13...................................Audio Left

14.................................Audio Right

15.................................Tracker Pin

16.................................Tracker Pin


These are the pins I used in my setup.  There are also VGA inputs to use directly from the computer.  I have read that the RCA connection gives a better display, but haven't tested that opinion.  I also haven't differentiated between the tracker pins yet.  I believe one is a TRX and one is a RCX.  There is a block diagram which helped me get to this position at Halted.  So for you who need it, here it is.