- A History of the Cocker Spaniel. By Peggy
Grayson. 1992. Privately printed by the author. Hardcover. Available from
Bookworld, 53 Bridget St., Rugby C V 21 2ST, England.
- All About the Cocker Spaniel. By
John. F. Gordon. 1971 and later editions. Pelham Books, London.
The Cocker Spaniel. By Veronica Lucas-Lucas.
1967 and later editions. Revised in 1988 by Joyce Caddy. Popular
Dogs Publishing Co. Ltd. (Century Hutchinson), London, 1988.
Cocker Spaniels. By Jennifer Lloyd Carey. 1992.
Crowood Press Ltd. (UK)
- Cocker Spaniels. By H.S. Lloyd. 1957
and reprints. W. and G. Foyle, Ltd., London.
- Cocker Spaniels: An Owner's Companion.
By Jennifer Lloyd Carey. 1992. Crowood Press, England.
- Cocker Spaniel - An Owner's Guide. By
Lesley Scot-Ordish. 1996. Harper Collings Publishers, London.
Cocker Spaniels (English). By George Caddy. 1993. (out of
print.) TFH Publications, NJ. 352 pages. 441 color photographs.
Cocker Spaniels Today. By Joyce Caddy. 1995.
Ringpress Ltd. (UK)
- The Cocker Spaniel. By Dennis McArthy.
1980. John Bartholomew and Son, Ltd., Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
- The Cocker Spaniel. By C. C. Jenkins.
1982. Hedges and Bell, Marborough, Australia.
- The Cocker Spaniel. By V.A.H. Matthews.
1950. Oxford University Press.
- The Cocker Spaniel Book. By B. Ghent
and E. Gillbrand. 1952. Seeley Service and Co., London.
- The Cocker Spaniel Handbook. By Nesta
M. Basnett-Broughall. 1951. Nicholson and Watson, London.
- Cocker Spaniel (American & English).
By Bruce Fogle, DVM. 1999. Dorling Kindersly Ltd., London.
- Cocker Spaniel: Its Care and Training.
By Kay Doxford. 1979. KR Books, Ltd.
- The Complete English Cocker Spaniel.
By Connie Vanacore and Dale Hood. 1990. Howell Book House, IMacmillan),
New York, NY.
- The Complete Illustrated Cocker Spaniel.
Joe and Liz Cartledge. 1974. Ebury Press, London.
A Dog Owner's Guide to American and English Cocker Spaniels
. By Frank Kane and Phyllis Wise. 1987. Salamader Books Ltd.,
Tetra Press.
The English Cocker Spaniel in America. By Geraldine
R. Dodge. 1942. Scribners.
- English Cocker Spaniels. By Robert Gannon.
1990. TFH Publications, Neputune City, NJ.
- From Riches to Bitches. By Louise
Shattuck. 1979. Howell Book House.
- From Riches to Bitches: Pick of the Litter.
By Louise Shattuck. 1996. Hoflin Publishing, Inc. Wheat Ridge, CO.
- How to Raise and Train an English Cocker Spaniel.
By Robert Gannon. 1962. T.F.H. Publications.
- In Stitches Over Bitches. By Louise Shattuck.
1983. Howell Book House.
- The Merry Cocker. By Judy deCasembroot.
1956 and later. London.
- On the Other Side of the Rainbow. By
Dinker Dawg. 1997. Autobiography. Rutledge Books, Bristol, CN.
- Our Friend The Cocker Spaniel. By Rowland
Johns. 1932. London.
- The Popular Cocker Spaniel. By H.S.
Lloyd. 1924 and later editions. Popular Dogs Publishing Company.
- The Spaniel Owner's Encyclopedia. By
John F. Gordon. 1967. Pelham Books, London.
- Spaniels: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual.
By H.J. and E. Ullmann. 1982. Barrons, Woodbury, NY.
- The Sporting Spaniel. By C. Phillips
and R. Claude Dane. 1906. Our Dog Publishing Co., Manchester.
The Sporting Spaniel Handbook. By Loren Spiotta-DiMare.
2000. Barron's Educational Series, New York, NY. Paperback, 144
pages. Color Photographs throughout.