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Tara 10+ Weeks Old, Cass 1 Year Old (January 2002 to May 2002)

As with Cass, we were crate training Tara. The first two nights weren't too bad, only some slight crying. The 3rd night was a nighmare. Tara wouldn't settle, and cried continuously. We thought she was after attention, so tried to ignore her, but perhaps she had an upset stomach as she soiled her bedding. After this we reduced the amount given in her last feed, and this seems to have done the trick (we hope).

Cass and Tara were learning how to deal with each other. She enjoyed the play aspect, but didn't like the affection Tara was getting. For this reason we continued to make lots of fuss over Cass

In February we again had to take Cass to the vets.  Late 2001 we noticed a lump on Cass' back.  This had started to grow so we decided to get it 'checked out'.  The vet examined it and said it was a boil, the result of a build up of fatty acids and oils.  He said not to try and burst it as it might poison her if not ready, and it would burst in due course.  Whilst he was examining it, it popped, excreting a lump of black puss.  We were very relieved.

Whereas crate training Cassie was a treat, Tara was a nightmare.  She thought nothing of messing the crate, and it wasn't until she was almost 5 months old before we could reliably be confident of a dry night.  On the other hand though, we suffered no problems with play biting or chewing (the total opposite to Cass).  Tara kept to her toys and left the furniture alone.

As Tara's personality developed, so did her relationship with Cass.  Any opportunity Tara would challenge for 'top dog'.  If we gave Cass affection, Tara would be there, if Cass had some food, Tara wanted it.  She would always want to be first through a door.  All these things Cass would be happy to back down to Tara, but when push came to shove and the two had an argument, Cass would always come out on top.  We never interceded when the two fought (which was rare), conscious that they had to work things out themselves.  Fortunately by the time Tara was 7 months, fights had died away, and both seemed happy with each other.  They settled into a big sister, little sister relationship.  Tara showed Cass a lot of affection, and Cass seemed to grudgingly accept it, but when Tara got spooked in the park, Cass would always come over to reassure.







Tara's personality developed completely differently to that of Cass.  Tara became fun loving, always happy, if a bit daft at times, whereas Cass became much more sensible, serene and very intelligent.  Either way, they were both delightful to own.