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2003 Cassie 2+ years, Tara 1+ years old  

Late May, early June 2003 we had a week's holiday in the Yorkshire Dales.  Renting a lovely cottage in Wigglesworth, we were able to venture out to all the fabulous walks.







By now Cassie knew what to expect, but this was a new experience for Tara.  At the end of each day the dogs were knackered, but they loved every moment.

Both girls picked up ticks while in the Dales,  but these were easily removed by using a tick remover.  This device slots under the ticks body near the head, twists and pulls the tick away from the dog's body.  Just pulling away a tick will leave it's head attached which can cause infection.

The holiday was well timed, because Julie was already 4 months pregnant.  As it was she struggled with some of the walks.

As time progressed, both dogs seemed to realise something was different with mum, and were much gentler when jumping on her for a cuddle.  Tara in particular seemed to 'bond' with the bump.  

By September the baby room was decorated, and we were counting down the days to the new arrival.  

On the 25th November 2003, Carys Petley was born at the Medway Maritime Hospital, weighing 6lb 11oz.  The two girls were looked after by their grandparents for the first couple of days after Carys was taken home.  The girls were then re-introduced to the house and carefully allowed to sniff baby Carys.  How would they react?