About Me

About Me
Name: Michael "Pudgy" Thompson
Age: 14
Lives: RWC Califonia
Does: eh, as long as their hot enough and dont talk much
No, Does For Fun: Oh...um, sleep, poop, and play bass...at the same time!
People He Doesnt Hate: Ron, TJ, Louie, Maurice(fuck texas), Jamie, Nicole, Kelly, Ashley, Jenna, Sequoia Ashley, Sequoia Beckie, Kat, Chad, Brendan, Tiny, Nick, Marc, Pat, Emily....
My list cant be this small bc i dun think i hate that many ppl, so tell me if ur not on and i might add u, most ppl on r just ones i remebered bc they were online. And remeber, just bc ur on here doesnt mean ur loved, ur just not hated, although many of the ppl on here r loved in general.
My Sexyness