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~*Gaby's Biography*~

*Filled out by Gaby herself*

Full Name: Gabriela Equiz

Nickname: Gaby

Birth date: 19 June 1977

Astrological Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Mexico City

Current Residence: Los Angeles

Height: 5.5

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Parents Names: Nancy and Pablo

Brothers? If Yes, names & Ages: Carlos 25, Richy, 19

Sisters? If Yes, Names & Ages: None

How long have you been with Ricky? Like 5 months or so,.. after the Nickelodeon tour *as of March. 2001*


Hobbies: Salsa Dancing

Musicians: Luis Miguel, Christina Aguilera

Actor: Leonardo di caprio

Actress: Salma Hayek

Book: La casa de los espiritus, Isabel Allende

TV Shows: Third rock

Friends: Andrea Pulgarin, Tal, Sofia

Color: PINK

Drinks: I don’t drink alcohol and I like diet coke and Oreo cookie shakes from Jack in the box

Food: Middle eastern, Mexican

Subject In School: MATH KIX ASS

Song: “Oh!,”.. (Ricky wrote it for me..)

Song from your album: Sweet & Sassy

Magazine: Seventeen, Teen,..all of those ..Im a looser I know,.. Hey .. hold on.. I read popular science too...LOL!!!

What's the best thing about Ricky? His mind

What is the one thing that bugs you about Ricky? Nothing really

Who has been the most influential people in your life & why?

My mom,.. cuz she believed in me and she was a great example for me.. she is a very smart and independent woman.

Describe Yourself in 5 words: That’s hard.. Logical, spiritual, sassy, blunt, different

Describe Ricky in 5 words: Smart, sweet, sexy, spiritual, great dancer, great butt. hey that’s more than 5 but I had to throw that last one there...LOL

Bad Habits: I eat like shit.

First Job: Aerobics instructor

Describe your first kiss: I was 13 years old.. and was really ,..really scared

Describe your first kiss with Ricky:

At the beginning Ricky and I were just friends but would kiss all the time but only pecks.. but then we started feeling like we liked each other but we were kind of afraid but one day I just told him.. “Hey Ricky do U want to kiss me? He said yes.. and we kissed and at first I expected that he was not going to know how to kiss but I was totally wrong,..he grabbed me and gave me the best kiss and Oh My God gurl,.... ever since then,... we can’t stop kissing..LOL!!

Describe your relationship:

We are like soul mates U know... we admire , support , accept and understand each other really good.

Describe a time that you really needed each other & what happened:

I recently got a little bit scared and sad for work related problems and he was there for me. He told me that there was nothing to fear he said that I would be ok and then he explained to me the reasons why I was going to be ok and everything made a lot of sense. He is actually very supportive of me.. I love him for that.

Fill In The Blanks-

When I was a child, I was praised for

Getting good grades

I feel most relaxed when

I am with Ricky.

Love is

When I'm 30 I expect

OMG,..I don’t know,.. I always thought I was going to work as an Engineer but now I am a singer,. So I don’t know what Im going to be later on,.. but I expect to be happy with whatever I do

My father
Is very strict

My mother

Kix ass

I feel proud when

I do something right

At home we

Are a bunch of pigs ,..I live with Tal and we have a very messy house,.. we have to have a lady clean up the house all the time cuz we don’t do it..LOL!!!

When I think about what the future will be like

I used to have it all figured out, U know,.. but Now,..I just make the best decisions I can to make sure my future is good, but I can tell U it doesn’t scare me.. I think I will always be all right.

The most embarrassing thing that happened to me is :

I really have no shame so nothing really embarrasses me

When people critize me
I analyze the reason why they do it and most of the times find out they do it cuz they are not happy .

The best thing that can happen to me is
To be able to buy my mom a huge house.

The people who love me

Have made my life very happy.

Message to your fans:

Thanx so much for being there for me and I would like to share some advice or knowledge that I have learned in life.

· Don’t ever let anybody tell you that you can’t do something cuz ur a girl.

· Pease,.. Go to college it’s going to make a big difference in ur life. And finally,..

· Don’t do anything U wouldn’t like to be done to U.

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