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~*Ricky's Biography*~

*Filled out by Ricky himself*

Full Name:  Richard Felix Godinez

Nickname:  Ricky

Birth date: 12/02/80

Astrological Sign:  Sagittarius

Birthplace: Ontario, Ca

Current Residence: Upland

Height:  5.9

Eye Color:  hazel

Hair Color: Light Brown

Parents Names:  Debbie and Alex Godinez

Brothers? If Yes, names & Ages:  Hondo, 25

Sisters? If Yes, Names & Ages:  No

How long have you been with Gaby?   Since October 2000


Hobbies:  Rent scary movies on DVD

Musicians:   Michael Jackson . Lenny Kravitz

Actor:  Keanu Reeves

Actress: Elizabeth Hurley , Charlize Theron

Book:  Conversations with God (Book 1)

TV Shows:  South Park , Friends, Boston Public

Friends: Amanda,  Timon and Pumba

Color:  Green

Drinks: Sprite

Food: Chinese and Italian

Subject In School:  English

Song:  Billie  Jean, Like a virgin

Song from your album:  Can I get ur number

Magazine: Rolling Stone

What's the best thing about Gaby?  The way she thinks

What is the one thing that bugs you about Gaby?  Nothing

Who has been the most influential people in your life & why?  My mom  cuz she is a strong motha fucka..

Describe Yourself in 5 words:  Dynamic, Complex, Talented, Strong,..and damn Good looking

Describe Gaby in 5 words:  Hot, Smart, Talented, Complex, and Damn Good looking,.. Nice ass too

Bad Habits:  Take too long to get  ready.

First Job:  Never had another Job

Describe your first kiss:  Preschool Playground,. the girl I was kissing was more experienced than me cuz she was a second grader.

Describe your first kiss with Gaby:  I liked it cuz she knew what she wanted.  I was very nervous but then I got over it.  And after that she was putty in my hands..

Describe your relationship:  It’s reallly productive emotionally and physically if u know what I mean.

Describe a time that you really needed each other & what happened: Gaby really needed me one time that she was very scared and I helped her calm down.

Fill In The Blanks-

When I was a child, I was praised for
My talent

I feel most relaxed when

When Im with Gaby

Love is
what we all live for

  When I'm 30 I expect
To rule the world or at least my own website

My father
Is very supportive

My mother

Is da shit

I feel proud when

I see Gaby kick ass on stage.

At home we

Play (Play what Ricky LMAO)

When I think about what the future will be like
I get really excited but I also get scared  cuz I don’t want to die b4 it happens

The most embarrassing thing that happened to me is
when the guys talk about my sex life in front of my mom

When people criticize me
I take it into consideration only if I respect them

The best thing that can happen to me is
Fame and Contentment

The people who love me
are the smart ones

Message to your fans:

Thank you for supporting me and realizing that Im human and I just want to love  and have great sex .

Thank you for logging onto our site and watch for cool new things were gonna come up with in the future..




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