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Since July 14, 2001
[ Captor Costumes ]

Alright, if you've seen the Daily Outfits, you'll notice none had Tomoyo's designs in them (well, at least we think not o_O)! Well, now it's Tomoyo's turn to shine. Lights, camera, action!

Worn in Ep. 2, "Sakura's Wonderful Friend". Sakura's first ever costume, used to catch the Shadow Card! The big red cape in the back matches the hat and making the costume very flashy. The outfit underneath consists of white and blue, making it look very U.S.A. colored o.O Anyway, the socks are quite high (as usual), and altogether I thought this costume was okay and a little weird. =)

Worn in Ep. 3, "Sakura's Heart-throbbing First Date". She wears this to capture the Watery card. It matches the card, as the costume is blue, clear, and white like water itself. The mascot is a jester (which I found weird but really cute), and comes with a great looking hat! It's also waterproof (I think... Tomoyo always makes things waterproof when dealing with water).

Worn in Ep. 4, "Sakura's Exhausting Sunday". This pink flashy costume is poufy, round, and waterproof! What really stands out are the wings near her ears, they match the wand! The main colors are pink and white. Sakura's 3rd costume altogether ^_^

Worn in Ep. 6, "Sakura and Her Memory of Her Mother". This is the 1st out of 2 outfits she wears in this episode. It's a cute pink bunny! Sadly, she fails (poor costume, no victory for it) to capture the card while wearing it. It's not its fault though!! ^_~ Anyway, the appearance is quite simple, just a bunny on the loose!

Worn in Ep. 6, "Sakura and Her Memory of Her Mother". The 2nd costume. It's very high-tech and futuristic. Her skirt seems metallic and is in the shape of an umbrella, enabling her to float down the cliff (when she falls AGAIN). Tomoyo was ready for this one!!

Worn in Ep. 7, "Sakura's First Challenge as a Theif?!". A very simple costume, it makes Sakura look like a robber!! The bat wings and the dark colors are meant for night so she wouldn't get spotted so easily. Her hat matches the costume, of course, and her boots are very high, past her knees.

Worn in Ep. 8, "Sakura's Rival Appears!". The mascot is a black cat (with a pink dress o.O). In order to protect Sakura from lightning, Tomoyo used a very peculiar fabric - rubber. Geez, I wonder if Sakura sophicated from the smell... Anyhow, rubber conducts electricity, so this helped Sakura a lot. However, it didn't protect her from Syaoran's mean insults!! :(

Worn in Ep. 12, "Sakura's One Endless Day". The mascot is a fairy this time. A cute *strapless* dress with two pouf things on the arms. Wings are attached to the back, adding the image of a fairy. The costume is altogether bright, pretty much how a fairy glows.

Worn in Ep. 15, "Sakura and Kero's Big Fight". A *beautiful* costume with the image of a witch. The red secondary color stands out in the blue primary color. This outfit is only worn for a short time in the beginning of the series when Syaoran and Sakura are trying to seal the card "Storm".

The anime series of Cardcaptor Sakura and Cardcaptors are (c) to CLAMP, Nelvana, Kodansha, EMOTION, and all other rightful owners. All writtent content/graphics/images are (c) to this site unless otherwise stated. Plagiarizing is untolerable at this site.