Debis Angel Heaven

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Virginia's Place

Virginia's Place was started December 19th 2001
for Virginia on her Birthday
Happy Birthday Virginia..

My Best friend

I have found this Special friendship with you, Someone with whom I'm free to be myself without feeling the need to be anyone else. I can be honest and open with all I say and do, knowing that your friendship will always be there for me..You are always so accepting of me and never judge me in what I say or do.
Even if my views and choices in life are different from yours. Your support is always there when I need a friend the most..
You are there for me with your caring and open heart, and always have an ear to lend. You make everything brighter by just being you.

I know that in your heart you share my sadness and pain as well as My Joy and happiness. I am able to share with you anything at all , the times when I am up, the times that I am sad. If I'm feeling down, you tell me how special I am, and encourage me to keep tiring and remind me that with God all things are possible.. when I'm discouraged, you love me and tell me that I can do anything.

You can always find just the right words to say to take my sadness I am feeling away.
This special friendship that we have together will be held between our two hearts forever. For friendship this special are a true gift sent from Heaven above,and I'm so blessed, to share this gift with you.

I value and treasure our friendship Virginia - God blessed us both the day He brought us together as friends.
I Love you!

about Virginia

Virginia, Lives in California with her husband Jim. They have 3 children.. Mike the oldest is married to Abby and they have 3 children Emily,Levi,and Zeke.. Mike They live in Oregon where Mike will be a Youth Pastor.. Kristy oldest daughter and finishing up College Kristy would Like to write one day..
April is the youngest and married to Justin and Living On her own now..
Virginia has neou-fibro-matosis, It's tumors on the nerve endings. Virginia enjoys collecting Angels, and Teddy Bears, Likes to read Christan Romance and Mysteries, and when she isn't working she is Online chatting and surfing the net..She very much enjoys meeting new friends so if you'd like to chat with her her chat name is Lavenderladybug for Yahoo.
her email is e-mail her.

be not forgetful
to entertain strangers,
for thereby some have
entertained angels unawares.
Hebrews 13:2

My Prayer for you

When you are lonely I wish you Love,
when you are down I wish you joy,
when you are troubled I wish you peace
when things are complicated, I wish you simple beauty,
when things are chaotic, I wish you inner silence,
when things look empty I wish you hope.
I wish you Jesus he is all of these things and more..
Author Unknown

Debi ~n~ Virginia
Best Friends

GOD, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.

To Save Just One

One beautiful and sunny day a man was taking a stroll along the beach when he came across a young girl who was frantically throwing starfish into the ocean. The man asks the young girl, "Why are you throwing the starfish into the ocean?" The girl replied, "The starfish were washed upon the shore last night in a storm, and if I don't get them back into the ocean then they will die." The man looked around and to his amazement there were hundreds of starfish lying upon the sand. He looked at her and cackled saying "Why are you wasting your time? There is no possible way you can save all of these creatures. By throwing back a few, how is it that you expect to make a difference?" The young girl looked around sadly at the starfish that surrounded them on the beach, and then she looked back at the man and replied "Even if I save the life of only one, then I have made a difference." And with that she continued to save as many as she could.
(Author Unknown)

Sisters of Compassion


Virginia's Main website

Virginia's Main Dish Recipes

Virginia's Favorite Desert Recipes

Virginia's Place is owned by Virginia and operated by Debi of Angel Heaven creator of" Virginia's Place"
All pictures and content have been Made for "Virginia's Place"
and May NOT be used!
Thank you and God's many Blessings to you all..
© Copyright 2001-2002 Virginia's place"