American Gladiators: Victoria "Jazz" Gay

This site is a tribute to Victoria "Jazz" Gay.

Victoria is best known for being a Gladiator on the long-running "American Gladiators" TV show. Victoria was known as "Jazz" and was a Gladiator from 1993 through 1996.

Victoria's road to "Jazz" began in May 1993 when, in a way to demonstrate her athletic abilities, she attended a contestant tryout. Victoria soared over all the other applicants in every trial event with an exhibition of great power and speed. In Powerball, for example, she repeatedly scored at will against the other applicants.

After witnessing her combination of feline femininity and Amazonian abilities, the Producers asked Victoria to become a Gladiator.

Jazz, who was 5'10 and 180 lbs, had great size and strength and was widely regarded by announcers, contenders and her fellow Gladiators as the strongest and most athletic Gladiator.

On Gladiator arena, Jazz was a very aggressive powerhouse-type Gladiator who relied on her unique combination of size, power and athleticism to punish and to physically overwhelm Contenders.

Jazz excelled in and was the top Gladiators in most on the show's Signature Events such as Joust, Powerball, Pyramid, Breakthrough and Conquer.

Highlight video of Jazz and Zap playing Powerball and Pyramidt...

Female Gladiators:

    Name:                     Height:     Weight:         Seasons   
    Victoria "Jazz" Gay        5'10       180 lbs        5, 6 & 7
    Debbie "Storm" Clark       5'9        170 lbs        3 & 4
    Shelley "Siren" Beattie    5'7        155 lbs        4, 5, 6 & 7
    Sha-Ri "Blaze" Pendleton   5'8        145 lbs        1, 2 & 3
    Erika "Diamond" Andersch   5'8        140 lbs        2, 3 & 4
    Lori "Ice" Fetrick         5'7        140 lbs        2, 3, 5, 6 & 7
    Tonya "Gold" Knight        5'7        140 lbs        1, 2 & 3
    Salina "Elektra" Bartunek  5'10       140 lbs        3 & 4
    Raye "Zap" Hollitt         5'7        130 lbs        1, 2, 4, 5 & 6
    Marisa "Lace" Pare         5'7        130 lbs        1, 2 & 3

Female Contenders:

    Name:                     Height:     Weight:         
    A.J. Perling               5'6        120 lbs
    Adrienne Sullivan          5'6        145 lbs
    Aimee Ross                 5'3        125 lbs
    Alaestra Dorsa             5'4        125 lbs
    Alice Brown                5'2        130 lbs
    Alice Wilcox               5'8        145 lbs
    Angela Shepard             5'3        132 lbs
    Angela Stearns             5'5        133 lbs
    Annette McBride            5'7        149 lbs
    April Wheat                5'1        105 lbs
    Bernie Wooster             5'7        135 lbs
    Beth Baird                 5'5        130 lbs
    Betsy Erickson             5'3        130 lbs
    Betty Okino                5'4        120 lbs
    Brenda Moss                5'9        135 lbs
    Bridget Venturi            5'10       155 lbs
    C.J. Johnson               5'2        113 lbs
    Carla Shares               5'6        125 lbs
    Carla Zeitlin              5'4        132 lbs
    Carolyn Dean               5'5        140 lbs
    Carrie Henger              5'8        145 lbs
    Cathleen Scarvers          5'8        140 lbs
    Cathy Marino               5'7        148 lbs
    Cathy Marshall             5'6        130 lbs
    Cathy Turner               5'2        116 lbs
    Celeste Delia              5'3        125 lbs
    Charmaine Lewis            5'7        146 lbs
    Cherrise Traylor           5'7        128 lbs
    Cheryl Ann Silich          5'6        135 lbs
    Cheryl Lee Sandy           5'4        128 lbs
    Cheryl Wilson              5'6        130 lbs
    Christine Koeberle         5'6        135 lbs
    Christine Lakatos          5'4        140 lbs
    Christine Lydon            5'7        135 lbs
    Christine Richard          5'8        135 lbs
    Cinda Mentzer              5'9        135 lbs
    Cindy Chavez               5'1        120 lbs
    Cindy Leroy                5'8        128 lbs
    Clare Look-Jaeger          5'8        140 lbs
    Claudia Valdiviez          4'11        97 lbs
    Correena Grizoffi          5'6        150 lbs
    Dawn Africano              5'3        130 lbs
    Dayna Duke                 5'5        130 lbs
    Deb Ruhle                  5'5        130 lbs
    Debbie Dunning             5'7        113 lbs
    Debbie Rogers              5'5        135 lbs
    Debbie Thomas              5'6        120 lbs
    Deena Telley               5'7        127 lbs
    Denise Chase               5'8        135 lbs
    Donna Stubs                5'5        116 lbs
    D'onna Toyebo              5'5        140 lbs
    Dorann Cumberbatch         5'7        140 lbs
    Elise Johnson              5'9        140 lbs
    Elizabeth Albright         5'5        128 lbs
    Elizabeth Pepe             5'4        128 lbs
    Ericca Alstead             5'5        145 lbs
    Esther Ratner              5'5        125 lbs
    Felita Phillips            5'7        140 lbs
    Fiona Dunbar               5'4        135 lbs
    Gena Lee Nolin             5'8        125 lbs
    Gina Beloro                5'6        140 lbs
    Gina Harrison              5'10       135 lbs
    Heather Bond               5'7        135 lbs
    Heidi Mark                 5'7        106 lbs
    Ingrid Johnson             5'8        130 lbs
    Jeannine Micheletti        5'6        138 lbs
    Jen Smith                  5'10       140 lbs
    Jennifer Flavin            5'9        128 lbs
    Jennifer Tantum            5'3        120 lbs
    Jennifer Walz              5'8        145 lbs
    Jenny Susser               5'8        148 lbs
    Jill Schenk                5'5        145 lbs
    Johnnie Hill-Hudgins       5'8        140 lbs
    Joni Podesta               5'8        140 lbs
    Jonnie Jonckowski          5'8        140 lbs
    Julie Padelford            5'5        122 lbs
    Julie Wolfe                5'6        150 lbs
    Karen Downey               5'6        130 lbs
    Karen Miller               5'5        126 lbs
    Katherine Smith            5'3        110 lbs
    Kathy Mollica              5'6        130 lbs
    Katie Lewis                5'10       140 lbs
    Katy Heller                5'5        145 lbs
    Katy Ramsey                5'7        125 lbs
    Kelley Peacock             5'8        133 lbs
    Kimberly Lentz             5'4        135 lbs
    Kimberly Tyler             5'6        140 lbs
    Kristen Jarchow            5'6        150 lbs
    Kristi Kropp               5'8        148 lbs
    Kristin Keidel             5'6        130 lbs
    Latonya Watson             5'5        135 lbs
    Laura Kerr                 5'5        155 lbs
    Lisa Langston              5'8        140 lbs
    Lisa Sierra                5'0        105 lbs
    Lisa Wojciechoski          5'5        135 lbs
    Liz Ragland                5'6        150 lbs
    Loretta Vandenberg         5'4        126 lbs
    Lori Ferguson              5'5        130 lbs
    Lorraine Howard            5'9        145 lbs
    Lynn Bell                  5'5        140 lbs
    Lynn Murphy                5'6        127 lbs
    Margaret McCargo           5'6        135 lbs
    Maria Nichting             5'9        148 lbs
    Marion Smith               5'3        140 lbs
    Marisa Pedula              5'3        123 lbs
    Marla Smith                5'6        142 lbs
    Mary Stickleman            5'4        125 lbs
    Maureen Henry              5'7        150 lbs
    Melissa Lieberman          5'4        135 lbs
    Michele Mitchell-Rocha     5'6        125 lbs
    Michelle Ishio             5'7        120 lbs
    Michelle Ramelot           5'5        118 lbs
    Nancy Lieberman            5'1        145 lbs
    Nina Akai                  5'8        150 lbs
    Patricia Murray            5'6        141 lbs
    Patti Stevenson            5'7        145 lbs
    Paula Perry                5'10       160 lbs
    Peggy Odita                5'10       155 lbs
    Picabo Street              5'7        150 lbs
    Renee Lockey               5'5        129 lbs
    Robin Croom                5'4        135 lbs
    Rose Ann Torres            5'2        140 lbs
    Ruth Morris                5'9        158 lbs
    Samantha Bryant            5'4        120 lbs
    Sandra Smith               5'5        135 lbs
    Shannon Williams           5'1        115 lbs
    Sheila Mercer              5'7        140 lbs
    Sherry Giardina            5'5        118 lbs
    Shirley Van de buys        5'5        138 lbs
    Signa York                 5'8        150 lbs
    Sonya La Bar               5'8        127 lbs
    Stacy Boles                5'6        128 lbs
    Stephanie Violante         5'5        130 lbs
    Susan Falvey               5'7        143 lbs
    Susan Farwell              5'7        127 lbs
    Susan Hirst                5'4        135 lbs
    Susan Stencil              5'5        137 lbs
    Susannah Rowe              5'5        128 lbs
    Suzanne Himka              5'6        130 lbs
    Suzanne Rampe              5'9        129 lbs
    Talpha Lehnen              5'5        128 lbs
    Tarira Clay                5'3        115 lbs
    Tee Sorge                  5'7        132 lbs
    Teresa Ogburn              5'3        125 lbs
    Terri Plunkett             5'8        155 lbs
    Tiffany Dorrough           5'3        125 lbs
    Toni Opplinger             5'5        121 lbs
    Toril Torjesen             5'6        135 lbs
    Tracee Wolf                5'9        150 lbs
    Tracy Jernegan             5'7        140 lbs
    Tracy Paaso                5'8        140 lbs
    Tracy Phillips             5'3        125 lbs
    Trish Tillotson            5'8        145 lbs
    Tyava Sylvers              5'7        135 lbs
    Valerie Brisco             5'5        125 lbs
    Vivian Riley               5'7        125 lbs
    Wendy Brown                5'11       155 lbs
    Yvonne Montalvo            5'7        126 lbs
    Zimbob Schwartze           5'10       125 lbs

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