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image of togetherness kitties

The image name is followed by the byte size (e.g. 7k). This tells how big the file is and how long it will take to load. The higher the number, the longer it will take. Byte size can be brought down using an online tool such as My Imager. Some of the images are followed by the size of the picture. The first number represents the height, the second number is the width. These should always be included in your code to make the image load faster. The code should look like this:
<<>img height="196" width="350" border="0" src=""<>>

angelkitty.gif 7k

aniangelkitty.gif 8k

anicalicorun.gif 24k

anicateyes.gif 21k

anicatfence.gif 10k

anicatlays.gif 84k

anicatletters.gif 5k

anicatrun.gif 19k

anicatwink.gif 9k

anilickingpaw.gif 10k

anilickpaworev.gif 3k

aniorangecat.gif 4k

aniwindowcat.gif 18k

atthebeach.gif 29k

atthepond.jpg 30k

basketkitties.jpg 73k

catNfishbowl.gif 18k

catlove.gif 13k

catnap.jpg 97k

catndog.gif 43k

catshouse.jpg 66k

catsplay.gif 2k

cattitude.gif 33k

catwalk.gif 14k

caughtcats.jpg 37k

corsetcat.gif 31k

cowboycat.gif 10k

cowboycats.gif 15k

cutekitties.jpg 15k 196x350

daisybbs.jpg 27k 285x300

fishbowl.jpg 51k

flowerpotkitties.jpg 23k

globekitties.gif 26k

greywhite.gif 9k

hammocknap.gif 94k 295x427

kitchenkitty.gif 18k

kittenmirrored.gif 12k

kittiesgray.gif 4k 92x115

kittynribbon.gif 11k

lilac.jpg 56k 524x544

treasureboxkitties.jpg 19k

whitecat.jpg 22k