The Funny Farm is so-called because of the variety of animals we house here; some exotic, some not. Many are unique in their own right. Take Mammy for example, our pygmy doe who we owned for nearly a week before discovering she has only one ear! She recently broke off one of her horns so she is really a sight to behold now. Did I mention she is a headbanger (a goat)?
Here are the only two humans that live on the farm - Chet and me. You can probably tell by all that white stuff on his clothes that the Funny Farm isn't the only job taking his time. He is a drywall finisher by trade; and with 45+ years experience behind him, he's da man!
We do have one part time farm hand that is here at least half
the time. 3 year old grandson
Zach helps feed, water, and
collect the eggs. If the job is hard,
like fixing fences; or dirty, like
raking and scooping poo; he is
right there lending a hand.
Sometimes, when we are done,
he'll say "Phew, hard work."
Chet and I have been married for 13 years and each have grown children. I have a son and he has 2 sons (one deceased) and one daughter. Between us we have 9 grandchildren. We live in an agricultural community north of Sacramento in beautiful northern California. Our 'empire' is the 3½ acres we rent in a rural part of the county we live in. We not only raise different kinds of animals, but also a variety of fruits and vegetables. Come on over - or should I say in - and visit with us a bit.
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OUR ANIMALS ~ Come on in!
Come see & learn about our ostriches, emus, goats & other critters
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