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<<World Wide Wrestling>>


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The WWW is not reopening, atleast not anytime soon.

<<7/05/01- CLOSED>>
Yep, that's right. I'm sorry that I have to do this, but the staff has been real busy with their personal life lately, and it's just about impossible to run this e-fed when we're so damn busy. Thank you, and we hope you had as much fun as I did.
Please join the mVw. The address is
Some other guys and I just joined this e-fed, you should too. It's brand new.

A lot of the wrestlers' attitudes have been changed. Make sure you go check!

RP Cap rule has changed a little.
Your roleplays from this point are are now being capped! (Six rps per week!) Just about everything has been updated.

<< Latest Contracts >>

  • Lita in C.P.A., Storm turning face - The Extremist 6/30/01
  • Important Announcement concering bios - The Extremist 6/23/01
  • More wrestlers let go? - The Extremist 6/23/01
  • WWW returning to hometown, and more - The Extremist 6/23/01
  • Ellis searches for a new staff - The Extremist 6/17/01
  • Quintin Johnson and Kris Morris join WWW - The Extremist 6/14/01
  • Upcoming Events - The Extremist 6/08/01
  • Major Announcement! Steve Corino joins WWW - The Extremist 6/07/01
  • Undertaker signs with WWW, Ellis announces staff - The Extremist 6/07/01
  • Jeff Hardy in WWW and other news! - The Extremist 6/06/01
  • Kurt Angle signs with WWW, others expected soon - The Extremist 6/05/01

  • Aggression was held July 1, 2001, at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia. Five titles were up for grabs. Max Tohi defeated Jeff Hardy for the Cruiserweight Title. Jamie Williams and Lita tied in the Bikini Contest. Jamie defeated Lita in the tie breaker. Rob Van Dam cost Chris Benoit the Intercontinental Championship to Rhyno. Raven pinned Sting for the Hardcore Title. Steve Corino was defeated by The Rock for the World Title in the main event. Afterwards legendary Parker Manning was revealed as the masked wrestler.

    << Male Wrestler of the Week >>

    << Female Wrestler of the Week >>

    Max Tohi

    Jamie Williams

    Max Tohi joined World Wide Wrestling in summer of 2000. Max recently beat Jeff Hardy at Aggression, becoming Cruiserweight Champion. The young woman from San Francisco has risen to the top in the past few weeks. She became Women's Champion after beating Lita at Aggression this past Sunday.
    Quote of the Week: "The WWW needs somebody like Kurt Angle. Look at all this. We've got burned children over here, tortured souls over here, and a big war between the Storm and the CPA, both of which would be better off with an Olympic Hero in their corner."- Kurt Angle

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