House Bessano the Noble Counts of Consenza



Bishop di Cosimo Bessano di Florentina  “L'Uomo Anziano” – Dimitri’s great uncle (though barely older than his uncle was) joined the church has risen the rank of Bishop of Florentina which also makes him the Don of Università di Florentina which helped Gianni and Artemisia get Dimitri in the prestigious school.

Conti Gianni Bessano di Consenza III (1606 – 1666) - Eldest son of the Conte Frederico Bessano and his Montaigne wife Annabelle (Vodaccized to Annabella) du Paix. He is also Dimitri’s uncle who approved of Dimitri’s pursuit of knowledge and over-all dislike of his brother Ambrosio. The Conte left Dimitri his sea chest from his days commanding the Bessano trade ships upon his death in 1666.

Ambrosio Bessano nobile dei conti di Porto Salvadore – Youngest son of the Conte Frederico Bessano and inheritor of an estate at the edge of Consenza and the heir to the title of Conte if Gianni should die. He married well  into the Ricca Family and spends most of his time on the island of Lucani Family where his wife’s family lives. Resents having to make Dimitri his heir but his wife is too old to have more children and divorce would break his alliance with the Ricca.

Conti Gianni Bessano di Consenza IV – Dimitri’s cousin and the current Conte of Consenza. He is worried about Ambrosio Bessano as well as the missive sent to Dimitri at his father’s death. He feels that his father never believed he could be the Conte and has plans for Dimitri to replace him.

Portia Bessano – Reigning Contessa until her brother finds a suitable wife. She spends most of her time caring for her aging mother and acting as a counselor to her brother who she is concerned about.

Vincezo Bessano (1629-1656) – Son of Ambrosio Bessano and third in line for the position of Conte; or was before his death at the hands of the rival Castello Family in a duel.

Dimitri Bessano nobile dei conti di Piccolo - Son of Ambrosio Bessano and the Courtesan Artemisa third in line to be Conte di Consenza. Currently holds the traditional seat of the third in succession, Il Villaggio Piccolo or Piccolo (The small village) though at present Piccolo and it's lands are under the supervision of Dimitri's mother Artemisa.

Artemisa – A courtesan and the mother of Dimitri Bessano. Currently runs Dimitri’s lands outside of Consenza. Hated by the Ricca family and has survived many attempts on her life, presumably by them. However there are rumors that several of the attempts on both Ambrosio and Properzia’s lives have come at her command.


Erich von Hager – A deposed Eisen noble who has naught but his armour and a very big sword. He’s under employ by Artemisa as her permanent champion. People who have had words to say about a Courtesan running a noble’s lands have been offered a chance to challenge her (and her champion) to a duel.

Nicolo Falzini – Fallen patriarch of the Falzini family formerly of the Falici Principality. He met Dimitri Bessano at the Università di Florentina where Dimitri saved his honour by stopping Salvatore Castello from taking the Falzini sword away from him.

Natalia Falzini – Sister of Nicolo Falzini and ward of the Court of Consenza. While technically a lady in waiting of Portia Bessano she instead spends much of her time on Dimitri’s lands learning from his mother a few unlady like things.

Arturo Benvolino – Captain of the Bella Consenza and ‘Admiral’ of the Bessano fleet (currently consisting of five ships) answers directly to the Conte.



Conti Gianni Bessano III


Ambrosio Bessano

Conti Gianni Bessano IV

Contessa Portia Bessano