The Queen's Birthday



Day One: City wide celebrations in Carleon and most major Avalonian cities. During the day the Queen does a ride through Carelon and offers the 'Queen's Touch' to people. Then in the evening there is the Queen's Feast. Where everyone of rank is invited along with their entourage for a big evening of feasting and then dancing before retiring to bed.

Day Two: In the late morning the Ussuran ambassador is sponsoring a hunt through the Avalon Forest after which they will return to sup on their catch at the Embassy. Afterwards there are cards and other entertainments to be had until it is time to prepare for the feast at Camlann house. The feast there is notable for the fact that "The Queen's Men" are putting on Montgomery Peerson's play "Gloriana" in tribute to the Queen.

Day Three: The morning is to be at rest and for people to visit amoungst themselves while the Queen holds private audiences with important ambassadors and discusses affairs of state. Midday the High Admiral (or in this case his substitute) has a small display of seaman ship in the harbour for all who wish to watch. Then Duke Chumley-Fanshaw puts on a performance at the Royal Opera House, featuring Madeline Prevyone.

Day Four: Once again it's a quiet morning. Lunch is held at Glenayre for all who wish to attend and in the evening the Montaigne ambassadors hold a ball at their embassy.

Day Five: Activites increase. Breakfast at Vendel Row, lunch at the Castillian embassy and a final ball at Glenayre, this one a costume party Titled "Heroes of Story and Legend" to end at midnight with a display of fireworks.



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