HOLLYWOOD Overcrowded prisons, trouble in the home! Disruption of the system, living all alone! Disruptive force of war, live your life like a whore! Holly wood makes gain off your pain! Hollywood! The home of movies and shows! Everyone thinks it's where all the, perfect people go! But go there and you'll know, life is just a show! Hollywood is psycho, but they won't tell a soul! Overcrowded prisons, trouble in the home! Disruption of the system, living all alone! Disruptive force of war, live your life like a whore! Holly wood makes gain off your pain! Acting like we care, just who you know! You think you're so cool, cause you hit the "blow"! WAKEUP! SMELL THE COFFEE! There's something you should know! Let your feelings show, let Hollywood know, To pack up their bags, to just fuck off and go! Tell them shove it, you're leaving them for home! Overcrowded prisons, trouble in the home! Disruption of the system, living all alone! Disruptive force of war, live your life like a whore! Holly wood makes gain off your pain! Making such a joke, of the life that we all know! Hollywood's intentions, are making me insane! Causing so much pain, it's making m sore! You play their game, meaning that you have no shame! Hollywood is dirty, it's such a filthy whore! Overcrowded prisons, trouble in the home! Disruption of the system, living all alone! Disruptive force of war, live your life like a whore! Holly wood makes gain off your pain! The rest of the world believes, everything you say! They don't even care, so long as you give them their pay! Since you don't have a referee, I don't want to play your game! Causing so much pain, it's driving me insane! Corrupting our youth, and disrupting the truth, I am so glad that I'm not you! Overcrowded prisons, trouble in the home! Disruption of the system, living all alone! Disruptive force of war, live your life like a whore! Holly wood makes gain off your pain! HOLLYWOOD! No one wants to play today! HOLLYWOOD! No one cares, what you say! HOLLYWOOD! This is the end of the pain! HOLLYWOOD! Life will never be the same! HOLLYWOOD!!