REALITY CHECK Everything is falling down, I guess it's not, Safe and sound! Watch it fall, To the ground, IT'S TOO LATE FOR REPRISAL NOW! Everything is splintered, it's broken and bruised! My mind cannot take this, mental abuse! And now it's too late, to stop the spread of hate, Now there's not a thing that I can do! Everything is broken, Blistered twisted and used! reality is shattered by this mental abuse! Everything I know is destroyed and confused, Everything I know is, Broken and Bruised! The pain is so unbearable, it's hard to contain! Life as we know it, will never be the same! Nothing anymore, is just simple and plain, Everything in life is causing so much pain! Everything is broken, Blistered twisted and used! reality is shattered by this mental abuse! Everything I know is destroyed and confused, Everything I know is, Broken and Bruised! Spirits have been crushed, Emotional destruction! Hopes falling down, Broken souls flood the street! Looking for a sweet reprieve! Hate floods the minds of the simple and the weak, Everything is broken, And it's all because of you! Everything is broken, Blistered twisted and used! reality is shattered by this mental abuse! Everything I know is destroyed and confused, Everything I know is, Broken and Bruised! Everything is broken, Everything is bruised! Everything's destroyed, Everything's confused... Everything is falling down, Spirits have been crushed! Reality is shattered by this mental abuse! Everything I know, is broken and bruised... Everything I know, is destroyed and confused... Everything is not your fault, it's not because of you...