*~Strangers Are Just Friends You Haven't Met Yet~*

~*To My Friend*~

I give to you a gift of friendship,
A piece of my heart and soul,
A shoulder to cry on when life makes you sad
Laughter for your silly jokes.

An ear to listen to your concerns,
Eyes to see the beauty of your soul,
Advice when you are at a fork in the road,
A Hug when you feel cold.

All this I give you and more Because you are my friend.

**ShoutZ and NsidE JokEs**

Jeff- Youuuuu are my everything!
You make my life worth living and I'm gonna be with you forever :)
Your my spiderman and you can be WHATEVER you wanna be.. I'll back you 100% no matter what.. :)
hehe Martee dressing on bacon? :cP

Jessi-So your crooked now? or are you bent haha! good times in Luptons class..
he knows all about us haha lol English was good too!
Talks on the swings..Brian Mcknight..lol the two guys goin at it at the gay pride parade
WE got lots of jokes.. your an awesome friend.. I don't know where I'd be w/o you

Whitney- LOL! DYSLEXICS FOR LIFE! yeah I'm a freak, whatcha gonna do about it? punk! yeah yeah poser with the big pants hehe!
hey did you know he was infected with TEETH? oh boy laughing hurts! dont change a thing your great the way you are!

Amanda- Hey hey! your livin' in my backyard!! I dont want that trash around me ewwwwwwwww you smelly flower!!lol!
haha when I nudged you cause those two hot black guys were drivin beside us..hehe
hehe "I love you" and I laughed so hard I cried
:cP its great havin you smell up glenburnie! glenburnie grum hicks for life

Mike- Wellllll lol who woulda thought WE would become friends huh?
Tanya did bring alotta shit in our life but I dont think we woulda become friends without her!
hehe GUITAR woo go guitar!!
Were gonna have a kick ass time at Napanee together :) hehe wooo hoo tattoo!
your like a bro to me :)


~These people make my life worth living~


Email: fake_plastic_superhero@hotmail.com