+I'm Sorry..+
¿?¿Does The Noise In My Head Bother You¿?¿

Welcome to yet ANOTHER messed up page of mine.. maybe I'll finish this one hmm? anyway, my plans for this page?
well hold on to your socks! LOL! I'm gonna fill this one up with sooooooo much stuff lol, my fave song lyrics, poems, info about my friends, hobbies lol
anything I can get my hands on! In the mean time.. bookmark it and check back when ya feel like it, I'm bored alot so I'll try and get it up and running fast!
hm if you think of something i should add to my lovely collection of babblingness drop me a line at the addy at the bottom of the page
thanks for your patience and stuff lol!
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(AWW its a Gecko!! I WANT A GECKO!!!!!)

More Mind Numbing Action!

My Blurb..skip if your smart!
~A Tribute to 9/11~
+My Hero~Jann Arden+
¤My Spidey-man:Jeff¤
-To My Friends-
~poems~ Maya Angelou..Jewel etc.
+My Poems+
-Martees Book Club-
Links to some CrAzY sites
~Jessi POTTER!~
**Michelle Branch**
Pictures of Me

~Upcoming Events~

Email: fake_plastic_superhero@hotmail.com