+Jeff New-Sweater ;)+

-MY Spidey-Man-

(by me)
What have I done
To deserve someone like you
You make me feel alive
With everything you do
You make me feel love
When life drags me down
You make me feel alone
When you are not around
Without you I'm not whole
When I'm with you I am free
You bring out my hopes and dreams
You let me just be me
You'll never understand
Just what you've done for me
I dont deserve the love you give
But you still give it endlessly

^About Jeff^
Name:If you haven't guessed.. lol Jeff
Birfday: October 24
Song That Relates To Our Relationship:Heaven-Bryan Adams, Whats Your Fantasy- Ludacris, Cant Take My Eyes Off Of You-Frankie Valli
Location: In a house by Lauren's house..which is by a water tower ooo
Hobbies: Rollerblading, reading comics, watchin' movies
Annoying habit: lol he says "what" even though he hears what you say..its not that annoying though
Fave Band: all that death metal stuff :)
How we met: umm I think he was talking to Lauren.. and Lauren was talking to him lol and I was there and she said "hi Jeff, New sweater?" and then me being the freak I am decided to say hi to him in the halls. THEN he came over to Laurens house before a dance one time and i helped paint his nails and I think thats when we REALLY met :)
Things we do TOGETHER: Sit on the hill,go to the park, Go to movies, go to JANN ARDEN WOO!, Go to..downtown lol, swim, watch movies, walk, eat ice cream.. basically hang out :)
Fights we've had: just little disagreements, nothing major
How hes changed me: he gave me confidence lol, hes currently restoring the word faith and its meaning into my vocabulary/life..he has really interesting beliefs.. so i've taken on some of those lol he introduced me to spiderman.. lots more..
Inside jokes: Bacon w/dressing lol, chicken ummm.. little packages.. flashlight(EEK) lol! shut up im busy.. lol lots more
Anything Else?: umm lol Jeff your my hero, I love you so much! (Martha Homer DOES sound good!!) :)
Lyrics To The Spiderman Theme :)

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Email: fake_plastic_superhero@hotmail.com