}}|{{ Jessi Wessi!! }}|{{

hehe aww its the song we danced to!! :)

~A Poem~
Optomisitc, carefree smile
but you hide your feelings once in awhile
Your afraid of being used
Your afraid of your heart will be abused
You have a spirit that never stops giving
even when you hurt
and a will that never stops living
Even though boys are dirt
You always have a positive outlook
Even when times get bad
You never stop listening
When your friends are down and sad
Keep being the way you are
Even though it seems you wont get far
If no one else can see it
They don't deserve to know you
Because your an amazing person
Beautiful on the in and the outside too.

About Jessi
Birfday: March 17
Song That Relates To Our Relationship:Lucky-Biffy! hehe :)
Location:In Kingston lol in a house! BOO YA!
Hobbies:watchin movies, piggin out, shopping! girls days! :)
Annoying habit: lol she spazzes.. thats more cute than annoyin tho
Fave Band: BIF NAKED!! hehe T.A.T.U oh yah!
How we met: In gr.9 she was in my science class! eww creepy Mackay
Things we do TOGETHER: watch movies, pig out, have girls days, umm yap about boys and girsl! :)
Fights we've had:I said some mean stuff to her at the end of last school year :(
How shes changed me: she gave me the courage to come out! lol! umm she always helps me when I'm down.. :) shes an awesome awesome friend!
Inside jokes: cows!! tumbleweeds lol "CROOKED" "allergic to penis!" tons more!
Anything Else?: Jessi Potter! your a BEAUTIFUL PERSON outside and in!! DONT LET ANYBODY TELL YOU DIFFERENT!! I think its awesome how you arent afraid to be you no matter what ppl say! (ahem your dad! grr!!) keep it up! you'll find the right girl (or guy haha! :P)


Email: fake_plastic_superhero@hotmail.com