+Obviously You Aren't Smart+
~All That Is Me~


LOL I embarassed everyone else with pics so I HAD to put mine up.. eww (cover your eyes)

Read my diary.

hehe me and Jeff

Okkk this is the only page I strongly RECOMMEND you skip lol!!
Name: Martha/Marty
Nick name friends call you: Marty, Mart, Marth, Moogy, Moogers,Charlie's Angel..Martini,Marty Party..etc.
Nick name family calls you: Moo-goo-guy-pan, Moogidy
Age: 16 almost 17!!
Birthday: August 6 1986
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Green..with blue around em lol
Height: 5'6
Weight: HAHA nope! :cP
Sexuality: Bi
Sisters: Emily, 20
Brothers: 0

What is your favorite:
Food: I don't really like food.. lol but any fruit
Drink: Juice and milkshakes
Movie: Save The Last Dance AND Drumline
Singer: Jann Arden, Michelle Branch,Jewel, Phil Collins,David Usher, Tom Petty.. theres more lol!
Group: *N Sync, Good Charlotte, American hi-fi, Simple Plan..etc.
Tv show: Scrubs, CSI, 8 Simple Rules, My wife and Kids, George Lopez, Simpsons, Who's Line etc
Sneaker: Predictions! man they look like bowling shoes! I LOVE MY BABIES! :P
Color: Yellow and orange
Shoe: k whats the diff between shoes and sneakers?
Perfume: Healing Waters: Passion, Satsuma, Strawberry or Wild Child hehe
Song: oh god.. Goodbye To You- Michelle Branch or ANYTHING JANN! Unholy Dirty and Beautiful -David Usher, The Game Of Love- Santana/Michelle Branch
Old Song: Paint It Black, Free Fallin', Summer of 69
Female name: Mav, Nikita
Male name:Kayleb

* Love *

(aww its me and Jeff :)
Are you in love? Yes I am.. soooooo deep in love :)
With who?Jeff
Do they love you back? yep :)
Are you single? Noo
Have you ever been in love before? not like this nope
How does a broken heart feel? painful.. like a thousand knives ripping through your heart
If you could say one thing to the person you love, what would it be?I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.. (your everything to me.. I would do anything and everything for you and I always will.. you are my everything and without you I'm not whole)

(hehe us in the shower! mmm)

Best friends: I'd hafta say all my friends are my best friends (cause i have like 4) Manda, Jessi Potter, Mel and Jeff
Boyfriend: Betcha your jealous I'm dating SPIDERMAN
What is your dream date? umm starlight.. a beach.. and Jeff lol
Who is your dream date person? I jus told you Jeff!
Where do you want to live when you're older? somewhere warm.. facing the water..with Jeff and our 5000 cats and 10000 kids hehe
What college? I don't know.. St.Lawrence prolly
What's your major? um..?
Who do you want to be married too? ;) he knows and I bet you can guess.. hint his name starts with J
Where do you see yourself after high school? moving out! lol!! I dunnooo
What are your hobbies: Sex, Singing,playing guitar, dancing, writing songs n music n poetry n stories, watching movies, shopping, making stuff, anything with jeff, hanging with friends
Words You Live By: "Dreams aren't real but you have the power to make them come true", "You can be anything you want to be, if you believe".
Who Do You Admire?: Shakespeare,Jewel, Jann Arden, Michelle Branch, My mom, Jeff, My aunt Debbie..
Dream Job: Singer/songwriter ooo

-My Top 10:

Let me go home! Get me the hell away from this woman!
pictures of me

Email: fake_plastic_superhero@hotmail.com