-Say Cheese..-

My tat! (its fuzzy haha..) its a treble clef..orange at the bottom fading into yellow..woo..

Shy Martee


Kisses :)

Me after Manda freestyled!! HEHE! :cP I dont normally dress like this I swear

Wet Hair!

Me on a really hyper kick dressed up like Nelly haha! (Manda: If i die before I wake.. blah blah blah.. yo! props to tha triangle!) FUNNY GUY! ;)

Me w/ my lil stuff Kitty I got at the hospital (Minyew!) hehe

My Freedom shirt (it says embrace the love and peace vibes on the back)

AH its attack of cousin it! haha noo.. its just me!

Me w/ my new Michelle CD :)

hehe my eyes look huge

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Email: fake_plastic_superhero@hotmail.com