Community Calendar
MONDAY, 4/14: For you fans of Monday rock, it's gonna be a while before you get the COVER ME BADD you so crave. And, it won't even be on a Monday when it comes. Our next show is going to be on SATURDAY, MAY 17th, as part of the Corrêa / Johnson Birthday Axis. I'm gonna miss the Emmy Ceremony for it, so you have no excuse. More on this later.

As for tonight (since passed) or next Monday, or even the one after that, well, you're on your own ...

TUESDAY, 4/15: I usually rehearse on Tuesdays.

WEDNESDAY, 4/16: I should probably get some work done at some point.

THURSDAY, 4/17: I'm going to see The HISSYFITS at the Lower East Side's *new, hip, expensive* club, Piano's (or, as i like to call it, Pianie's). I sure hope Karen wears something racy.

FRIDAY, 4/18: HALLOW ROCKET are a lucky band. Not only because they are talented and oddly good-looking and get to open for The REAL KIDS in Boston, but because their recent Village Voice blurb is an actual accurate assesment of their sound!, sprinkled with flattering terms such as "juicy co-eds." Unlike poor misunderstood GIRL HARBOR, who gets compared to The Get-Up Kids by some lazy bitter hack. What's a band gotta do. Anyway, The HALLOW ROCKETS are playing tonite at Luna Lounge with another Boston band, The CHARMS. Sounds like fun to me, and to The Voice, too. Goddamit.

SATURDAY, 4/19: Karen is going to Denver this weekend. Me, i'm entertaining suggestions for this girlfriend-less Saturday evening. Or, i could just stay home and watch Telemundo, either way.

SUNDAY, 4/20: Whoa, dude! "420!"

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