January 2001

January 5 was the night of a fantastic show at B'lyn's Pete's Candy Store set up by COME ON's Mishka Shubaly. It was his debut show w/his back-up band The PANTY CAMS, featuring my girl RV on drums. Also playing was The TRIS McCALL POWER TRIO (feat. me on drums and Martin on bass), and The CANDY DARLINGS' Ethan Marunas doing some solo crooning. Highlights included Tris' Keith Emerson-like synthesizer attack, a screechy violin player, COME ON's Jeff Mensch using a wall to hold himself up while drunkenly hammering away on a too-loud bass, Ethan's shout-outs to all his "thongs", etc. I had two of Pete's trademark sandwiches, one before and one after (go with the proscuitto); i think Mishka even scored that night, which is probably why he bothered setting up the night in the first place. There was only one bad part, aside from everybody getting rediculously drunk and edgy: the picture on the right of Ethan is the only good photo from that night. Hope you were there.

Ethan "Baby Dayliner" Marunas
Editor's Note: a second photo of the show, of Tris (in the mask - r.) and J. "Lemmy" Carstensen, has surfaced, courtesy of Mr. Jim Testa of Jersey Beat magazine. Whether that's a good thing or bad is strictly up to you...

My life as a cartoon: I was standing outside the Mercury Lounge one night talking to Martin. I felt a weird nudge at the back of my head, almost like someone through a pebble at me. I turned around and noticed a medium sized clay flower pot smashed on the ground. "That's weird" i thought. Then i heard a voice calling to me.

"Oh my god, did that hit you?!" a lady shouted from about 4 floors up.

"No" i said.

Of course, had i been standing about 6 inches back, i'd probably be in the hospital.

I found out recently that NBC is showing 1997's Good Burger opposite the Super Bowl on Sunday. This gave me the idea of having a Super Bowl party at my apartment - you know, get the big case of cheap beer, some pretzels, order up a coupla pizzas - but instead of watching the Super Bowl, watch Good Burger. The only problem, of course, is no one wants to do it. Well, i'm going to watch it anyway. I might even get some pretzels.

Well, aside from that, i don't feel much like writing, so here's some pictures ...

It snowed again

A nice photo of RV

A squirrel

Me, after a COME ON show
at Don Hill's

(Note the cheez-ey mustache)

I don't remember taking this picture

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