I'm Back (for Now)

Hello, fans and those clammoring for the return of my website. How are you? I'm fine. It's kinda odd that i picked this time to return to updating my website, as A. October will be a very, very busy month (back at work, a plethora of rock shows, etc.), 2. i've taken a ton of pictures that i've barely been able to sort thru (like that entire summer GIRL HARBOR tour, for instance), and 3. the disk drive on my camera is busted, so i'm having to use Jeff's easy-to-use Kodak model camera. But, enough excuse-making. Here's some pictures, and the first things i thought to write when i saw them. I intend to update this site again every Sunday. That is unless me and Joshy are playing poker. Anyway, enjoy ...

Here's some photos from a recent GIRL HARBOR show at LUXX, where we played with Capitol Recording Arteests STAR SPANGLES and Brooklyn guitar shredders The GIRAFFES. I'd like to publicly thank ex-Village Voice staffer and current Greg Altman roommate DAVE LIPP for taking around 100 pictures of this gig. Nice work!!

Does Jeff rock or who?

Our hero hopes this song is in 'A'

... and here we are earlier in September at the BROOKLYN BREWERY BEERFEST. There was around 1500 people at this show. We swear. AND, since free beer was being passed out, well things got a little weird. I'm heard reports of random-ass grabbing, and that at least 2 members of GIRL HARBOR were victimized by this nefarious activity. Alas, i had long since left, with my old pal JASON DeBERRY and Jersey City's KEVIN DAILEY for ...


Time some full disclosure: no, that's not the Legion of Doom from the old Superfriends cartoons, nor are we (me, Jake, Kev and Poul - the cousin on the left, the uncle on the right) running to our saviour spaceship in some weird post-apocolyptic / dystopian society where baseball is illegal (yet), nor did we even actually spend that much time in Montreal, only long enough to catch a 10-1 trouncing of my beloathed New York Mets. In fact, we probably spent more time at U.S. Customs than we did in "The Big Owe." But it was memorable and very fun, with delicious hot dogs, green, green astroturf, and that presumably loveable mascot YOUPPI, who, truth be told, is in need of a little dry cleaning.

Nonetheless, here's my hip tip of the week: if the Expos still exist next year, go.

The Big F & Karen
Not long after my brief travel north of the border, i caught up with my lovable pop and his wife Karen in beautiful Maine. Much lobster-eating, relaxing and nature-enjoying. Lobster in Maine, much like pizza in NYC, is good pretty much everywhere. But, my recommendations for YOUNG'S LOBSTER POUND in E. Belfast, ME (pictured below) are almost as stratospheric as my level of surprise will be if i learn that anyone i know will ever end up in E. Belfast, ME for any reason. If that makes any sense.

Sadly, what i don't have pictures of is the recent GIRL HARBOR show at CBGB. This show was notable for two reasons beyond the usual "CBGB kicks ass" explanation. One was i got to meet the legendary, if short and extremely skiddish, TOMMY RAMONE (our conversation was predictably brief - he was there to see The WITNESSES - but i came away happy. And, best off all, our wonderful drummer Greg gave "the little old weird rocker guy" the GIRL HARBOR CD, god bless 'im). Two, the members of GIRL HARBOR dressed all in white especially for this show, and if i dare say, we looked pretty ... well, not snappy at all. I guess i looked like a "Friendly's (tm) Counter Guy" or maybe a "milkman." I also heard "sailor" much more than once. And to think, i tore off my shirt sleeves to go for a "Richard Hell" effect, but to no avail. Howmever, say what you want about white pants, even after Labor Day, but never have i had my ass grabbed so many times as that night. And now we've come full circle ...

And, so, as a little visual punctuation, here is a repeat of the (now 2nd) best photo ever taken of me. And now, i have no idea who's sitting next to me here ...

Ha ha, "HOSE", ha ha ...

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