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Maps of Japan


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visitor since August 8th, 2002.

Stay tuned for more information... This page is currently under construction but will contain maps of Japan to give my visitors a better idea of where the hell I am.

Below: Large Map of Japan

bigmapofjapan.gif (92083 bytes)

My Life In Japan
Maps of Japan
September/October 2002
November/December 2002
January/February 2003
March/April 2003
May/June 2003
July/August 2003

Right: Prefectural Map

Shimada City (aka Shimada-shi) is located just north of the Shizuoka Airport.  The city is not a major stop on the Shinkansen (Bullet Train) railway line since it is considered a miniscule city, with a population of ONLY 90,000 people.


ShizuokaPrefMap.gif (92559 bytes)

Shimada City Map (If I ever find one) Text
Text Neighbourhood Map (If I ever make one myself)