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Last updated: Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A special welcome to everyone from Raging Bull!

********* Welcome to Club NNPP--your quick reference guide to due diligence into Nano-proprietary (NNPP:OTC). The purpose of this website is to provide you with helpful references and links to anything that can increase your understanding about the company, its principals, its objectives, its technology, its progress, and its value to you as an investor. This site is not an endorsement for anything. It is not intended to serve in any capacity to advise you to invest in any company. It is only intended to provide information that you may find useful or otherwise entertaining. To the extent possible, the information has been considered to be factual and accurately represents the original data from which it is obtained.

Favorite things about NNPP

Pages and Links

Nano-proprietary Home Pages
Cafe CNT (Club chat room)
Club NNPP Blog - Welcome!
Company news page
99 AutoSelected News Stories
Site Map - find any page at the Club
Listen to July 8, 2004 Webcast conference call
LISTEN to April 19, 2005 Conference Call
Canon Law
Nano eXpress
NNPP @ RagingBull
NNPP @Nanalize
NNPP @ Investor Hub