Game Title: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Game Genre: Third Person Adventure
Systems: Game Cube, PS2
Game Features:
- Playable character(s) from the movies
-Vehicle Combat
- Air Combat
-Multi-player (Up to four players)
-More than 30 different types of combat units
...and 16 campaign missions, with different worlds to travel to.
This game's most important asset is its versatility. With other 16 long campaign missions (complete with bonus objectives), you get to not only command many types of Republic vehicles, but you also get to choose between Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan, or a relatively unknown Jedi named Evan Asani. Secret characters include Yoda and Padme. The game also comes with bonus material such as extra scenarios, a "Making of" video and music tracks. The graphics are nothing to gape at, the voices could be better, and the framerate isn't as good as one would hope. However, the gameplay is excellent. This game has wonderful replay value, both in single and multi-player.
Overall Rating: